Judaism Introduction
Judaism Christianity Islam Judaism is the oldest of the world's monotheistic religions (religions with only one god). Judaism Christianity Islam
Abraham Abraham lived in Ur, a city in Mesopotamia Jewish history begins with the covenant between God and Abraham around 1812 BCE (over 3,800 years ago) God promised Abraham that his descendants (the Hebrews) would form a great nation and live in the promised land
Monotheistic Religions
Egypt Jacob, a descendant of Abraham, left Canaan because of drought and famine Jacob and 70 Hebrews went to Egypt. 350 years later, Jacob’s descendants in Egypt increased to 600,000
Moses The Pharaoh of Egypt enslaved the Hebrews. The Pharaoh also orders the death of all male Hebrew children. Jochebed placed her son in a basket and put him in the Nile River. Pharaoh’s daughter found him, named him Moses, and raised him.
Moses and the Exodus Moses freed the Hebrews from slavery known as the exodus. Traveled 40 years in the desert. On Mt. Sinai, God revealed the Ten commandments to Moses.
Torah Holy Jewish book is the Torah Books revealed to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy No one allowed to touch the Torah, use a special pointer called a yad when reading it.
Jewish Belief Jews believe that there is ONE God who created the universe Jews believe every Jew can have a personal relationship with God.
Judaism Jews worship in Synagogues. The Jewish spiritual leaders are called Rabbis.
Jewish Symbols The symbol of the Jewish people is the Star of David. The Menorah is a candle stick holding seven candles. It symbolizes the burning bush Moses on Mount Sinai. A mezuzah is a small case with writing inside placed outside of door in Jewish homes.
Jewish Festivals Passover Eight day celebration of Hebrews led out of slavery in Egypt by Moses. Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year festival celebrating the creation of the world. Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement The most sacred day of the Jewish year Fasting for 25 hours, praying, asking for forgiveness. Hanukkah Celebrates victory over religious persecution and the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem
Judaism – Impact on Behavior Watch video clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TnKVYM9Euk Write down FIVE ideas or characteristics of Judaism that are new to you. Pass Around Activity!