Some expressions followed by infinitives Preview Using verbs with an infinitive Using expressions with an infinitive
Using verbs with an infinitive You can use the verbs deber, tener que, and me/te/le/nos/les toca with an infinitive to say what someone has to do. Debemos pasar la aspiradora antes de la fiesta. We should vacuum before the party. Tienes que sacar la basura a la calle. You have to take the trash out to the street. A mí no me toca barrer hoy. A ti te toca barrer todos los pisos. It’s not my turn to sweep today. It’s your turn to sweep all the floors.
Using expressions with an infinitive You can use the expressions hay que, hacer el favor de, and favor de with an infinitive to say what has to be done. Hay que bañar al gato. The cat needs to be bathed. Hazme el favor de pasar la aspiradora. Please vacuum. Favor de no darles de comer a los animales. Please don’t feed the animals.