CMSUK Higgs activities


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Presentation transcript:

CMSUK Higgs activities Nikitenko, meeting with IPPP, RAL 10th September 2007

most active UK CMS Higgs boson enthusiasts: Imperial College A. Nikitenko: CMS Higgs PAG co-coordinator RAL Involved in ECAL construction Tracker construction Experience is reconstruction Electrons and photons Chris Seez (IC) : ECAL DPG co-coordinator David Futyan (IC) : e/gamma POG co-coordinator Tau-jets B-tagging Ian Tomalin (RAL): b tagging POG co-coordinator Jets and missing ET

Experience in Higgs physics analyses; past: CMS Physics TDR 2006 vol Experience in Higgs physics analyses; past: CMS Physics TDR 2006 vol. II CMS approved and published analyses SM Higgs: VBF H->tt->l+jet CMS Note 2006/088 SM Higgs: H->ZZ->2e2m CMS Note 2006/136 MSSM A->tt->2 jets, CMS Note 2006/126 5D Randall-Sundrum model, f->hh->ggbb CMS Note 2005/007 Recent papers with UK based theorists Les Houches 05, hep-ph/0604120, “Comparizon between MCFM and PYTHIA for the gb->bh and gg->bbh at LHC”, with J. M. Campbell Hep-ph. arXiv:0704.0619 accepted for journal,”Search for heavy neutral MSSM Higgs bosons: Reach and Higgs mass precision”, with G. Weiglein

“Known” SM & MSSM Higgs physics CMS PTDR 06 Vol. II

CMS Higgs analyses 2007-08 with 1 fb-1 Production Decay SM inclusive ZZ(*)  4 l 07, IC WW(*) 2 l 2  SM VBF (qqH)   SUSY, gg(bb)f  SUSY, t-> bH, gb>tH   SUSY gg (bb)A/H 08, IC SUSY, qq->qqH invisible « R&D physics»: NMSSM, CPV (IC, RAL), … < 10 %

“Low fine-tuning” NMSSM points qqH1, H1->a1a1->tttt->mmjj Need non-isol. di-m trigger ! R. Dermisek and J.F. Gunion See in CPNSH group report hep-ph/0608079 m- h+ t- q1 t+ a1 H1 a1 t- t+ q2 m- h+ This point is taken for analyses with 4t->mmjj final state (CMS): qqH1 and WH1 (motivated by S. Moretti et al. hep-ph/0608233)

The H+ in CPV MSSM LEP Higgs working group, hep-ex/0602042), Mt=174.3 GeV present Mt=170.9 +/- 1.8 GeV most promising channel to close the hole is : tt bW bH+, H+W H1, H1bb final state: 4b 2j l is same as ttH, Hbb ! D.K. Ghosh, R.M. Godbole and D.P. Roy, Phys.Lett. B628, 131 (2005)

Prospects for future Participate in analyses mentioned before when the real data come SM qqH, H->tt SM inclusive H->ZZ->4l MSSM A->tt CPV Higgs NMSSM Higgs Probably start inclusive H->gg analysis CMS TN 1992/005, “Higgs into two photons”, C. Seez and J. Virdee (IC)

Early data comes very soon !

Preparing for Higgs physics with early LHC data EWK physics: Z->ee, W->en cross section measurement, electron efficiency with Z->ee “prob-and-tag” method Bristol, IC EWK physics: Z->tt->l+jet cross section measurement, t-id measurement. IC qqH, H->tt , some topics to study with early data: Central jet veto efficiency from Z+jets (Z->ll) data; “Zeppenfeld plot” Bkg. from double parton scattering Z+j plus jj (Z->ll) Bkg. W+3jets (W->ln), SS lepton+jet vs OS lepton+jet ……………………………………………………. Measurement b(b)Z as benchmark for MSSM b(b)H. IC

Enjoy early LHC physics in CMS... H->gg 10 pb-1 100 pb-1 H->ZZ->4l dots – “experiment”