Chapter 4 Organ Systems of the Body
DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPTS Organ—a structure made up of two or more kinds of tissues organized in such a way that they can together perform a more complex function than can any tissue alone Organ system—a group of organs arranged in such a way that they can together perform a more complex function than can any organ alone Knowledge of individual organs and how they are organized into groups makes the understanding of how a particular organ system functions as a whole more meaningful
ORGAN SYSTEMS Integumentary system (Figure 4-2) Structure—organs Skin Hair Nails Sense receptors Sweat glands Oil glands Functions Protection Regulation of body temperature Synthesis of chemicals Sense organ
ORGAN SYSTEMS Skeletal system (Figure 4-3) Structure Functions Bones Joints Functions Support Movement (with joints and muscles) Storage of minerals Blood cell formation
ORGAN SYSTEMS Muscular system (Figure 4-4) Structure Functions Muscles Voluntary, or striated Involuntary, or smooth Cardiac Functions Movement Maintenance of body posture Production of heat
ORGAN SYSTEMS Nervous system (Figure 4-5) Structure Functions Brain Spinal cord Nerves Sense organs Functions Communication Integration Control Recognition of sensory stimuli System functions by production of nerve impulses caused by stimuli of various types Control is fast-acting and of short duration
ORGAN SYSTEMS Endocrine system (Figure 4-6) Structure Pituitary gland Pineal gland Hypothalamus Thyroid gland Parathyroid glands Thymus gland Adrenal glands Pancreas Ovaries (female) Testes (male)
ORGAN SYSTEMS Endocrine system (cont.) Functions Secretion of special substances called hormones directly into the blood Same as nervous system—communication, integration, control Control is slow and of long duration Examples of hormone regulation: Growth Metabolism Reproduction Fluid and electrolyte balance
ORGAN SYSTEMS Cardiovascular (circulatory) system (Figure 4-7) Structure Heart Blood vessels Arteries Veins Capillaries Functions Transportation Regulation of body temperature Immunity (body defense)
ORGAN SYSTEMS Lymphatic system (Figure 4-8) Structure Functions Lymph nodes Lymphatic vessels Tonsils Thymus Spleen Functions Transportation Immunity (body defense)