How can I help my child at home? Mrs. Powers’ Class Newsletter August 15, 2016 Dates to Remember Next Week’s Skills Reading: Dear Mr. Henshaw Novel Study RL1-4 Referring to details and examples in a text; Determine the theme of a story and summarize; Identify character traits; Reads fluently and develops vocabulary Social Studies: SS4G1 A & B-Locating physical and man-made features in the United States Math: NBT 1 & 2-Place Value & Estimation and Ordering Numbers Science: E1 Physical attributes of stars How can I help my child at home? *We are working on mastering all of our multiplication facts 0-12. Help your child master their facts by studying the set they are working on. They will have a paper they did in class that you can use or make flash cards! You can also check out our Parent Resource Center for many different activities that you can check out for practicing at home! *After your child completes his/her homework, look over it with them and help them on any topic they struggled with. August 19: Welcome Back Dance 6:00-8:00 PM September 2: Progress Reports Issued September 5: Labor Day Holiday-no school September 8: Family Academic Night 5:00-6:30 September 12: Stevi B’s Night September 14: 2 hour Early Release August Birthdays Hudson Aug. 1st Billy Aug. 15th Xavier Aug. 17th Reminders When sending in lunch money, please place it in an envelope and label it with your child’s lunch number. Check and sign your child’s agenda everyday. Frozen Friday every Friday for $1, or buy an ice cream pass for the year for $35!