Religions of the world
Judaism One God Hebrew Bible Originated in Middle East around 2000BC Israel established in 1948 14 million Jews
Christianity Belief in Jesus, the son of God Christian Bible Originated in SW Asia around AD30 Many varieties of Christianity 2.07 billion Christians
islam Belief in one God Quran Originated in Middle East around AD 610 Islam means submission or surrender and comes from “salam” meaning peace and safety 1.25 billion Muslims
hinduism Multiple gods and goddesses Many sacred texts Originated in Northern India about 1500 BC Everyone is a part of a continuing cycle: birth, death, rebirth 837 million Hindus
buddhism No belief in a personal god, but they follow the path of Buddha Shakyumani (Siddhartha Gautama) Many sacred texts Originated in India about 563 BC Buddha means enlightened one, having perfect knowledge or wisdom and true understanding 373 million Buddhists
SIKhism Belief in one God Follow the writings of many gurus and prophets (religious teachers and spiritual guides Guru Nanak found Sikhism about AD 1500 in South Asia Cycle of rebirth and search for enlightenment 24 million Sikhs