The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina INOVO: Development by doing Innovation Centre in Zenica
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina INOVO – Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina The overall objective as per ToR:... to improve the competitiveness and productivity of the scientific community and economic impact of BiH to be able to participate more actively in the European research area and to be more involved in international scientific cooperation through the FP7, COST and EUREKA programmes.
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina INOVO project. Component 1 Innovation system development Overall goal (from ToR): To strengthen the innovation system of BiH, notably through support to and development of activities of three innovation centres (Banja Luka, Zenica and Mostar)... Objective: To develop the capacities and services of the three innovation centres, in Banja Luka, Zenica and Mostar Approach: Assistance in development of skills and competences, involving them in all our support and training activities, to benefit from learning-by-doing approach
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Area (direction )1: Innovation management and technology advisory services Sub-areas 1.1 Institutional capacities of three ICs (strategy planning, build-up of services, toolboxes) 1.2 Individual capacities of 3 innovation centres staff (training 1.3 Innovation advisory network 1.4 International cooperation of ICs Development of ? Cooperatio n action plan Foreign experience (Study visit) Promotion and visibility Advisory network plan Training Business toolbox Innovation potential study Strategy business plan 12 months, Jan Dec 2013
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Area 2: (Organisation of ) Innovation management promotion (events) Sub-areas 2.1 Event and communication planning 2.2 Events organisation 2.3 Media promotion Development of ? Media appearanc es Raised awareness Events for young (no=?) Events for business (no=?) Communic ation strategy 14 months, Jan Mar 2014
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Area 3: Cooperation between university faculties, laboratories and the business sector Sub-areas 3.1 Identification of opportunities for industry-academia partnerships 3.2 Support to creation of triple-helix partnerships 3.3 Identification of needs for new teaching curricula Development of ? New curricula concept Innovation partnership (with project pipeline Technology Priority areas (1 or 2) Potentials study 13 months, Jan Jan 2014 Working group
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Area 4: Promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship among students and lecturers/researchers Sub-areas 4.1 Learning forums for academia 4.2 Entrepreneurship days, webcorner, etc. Development of ? New forum concept 8 months, Mar Oct 2013 Working group
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Area 5: Innovative and entrepreneurial activities with students Sub-areas (co-related with Area 4) 5.1 Organising promotion and support: E.g. Mentoring system, IC and university joint programmes, business idea competitions) busineee. Development of ? Mentoring system 4 months, Apr Jul 2013 Working group Joint programm e Business idea competitio n
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Area 6: Use of ICT Sub-areas 6.1 Study group for ICT in RTDI sector (joint for ICs) 6.2 Promotion actions Development of ? Advisory guidebook 4 months, Jun Mar 2014 Joint working/st udy group Promotion campaign
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Area 7: Promotion of international cooperation (together with NCP network) Sub-areas 7.1 promotion (jointly with NCPs) 7.2. Project idea devlopment (jointly with NCPs) Development of ? Interactive workshops 9 months, Jul Mar 2014 Sectoral project idea campaigns launched
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Area 8: Social dialog on RTDI policies/strategies Sub-areas (correlated to Area 2-3) 8.1 Dialog initiation (jointly with public authorities and business 8.2. Additionally, technology foresight development Development of ? Interactive roundtable s 11 months, Mar Jan 2014 Sectoral tech foresight
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Area 9: Innovation financing advisory Sub-areas 9.1 Guidance on VC funds leading to 9.2. VC advisory services Development of ? Guidebook on VC funds 9 months, Jun Mar 2014 Usage of special ICT tools Guidelines on advisory
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Expected results. 1 Centres to be fully functional based on approved strategic business plans and studies of further centres development and strengthening and providing a core set of services on a regional or thematic basis; At least three innovation partnerships, on a regional or thematic basis, established, based on a triple-helix partnership between public-higher education/research institutes and business sector. Centres are recognized by relevant stakeholders as applying the best practice of research and innovation centres concept in BiH.
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Expected results. 2 Innovation-based entrepreneurship development encouraged. Established more viable channels for cooperation between European and BiH business sector in the field of technology transfer and concrete business initiatives. Increased innovation support system structure throughout strengthening framework for encouraging development of innovative entrepreneurs and academic researchers (start-ups & spin-offs), particularly throughout promotion of best applied practices.
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Expected results. 3 Increased operational capacities of innovation centres concerning capability to provide multi-layered business services, set to serve continuous improvement (technology transfer) and added value creation (research results valorisation). Increased operational capacities of innovation centres throughout introduction of new resources for intellectual property protection as applied development support mechanisms Measures for promotion of women in science developed
The project is funded by the European Union Institutional capacity development of the three innovation centres and research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina Thank you for attention! Project team: Dr Kastytis Gečas, Team Leader, Dr Rein Ruubel, Key Expert 2, Dr Maja Bučar, Key Expert 3, Development by doing together