Survival Signs Outdoor Students will need to click on the sign described by the audio file to be directed to a page telling them whether or not they were correct. If they are correct, clicking on the right arrow will take them to the next set of signs. If they are incorrect, clicking on the left arrow will take them back to the previous slide to try again. Outdoor Survival Signs
Which of these signs means that this is a bike route?
Very Good!!!
Sorry! Try Again!
Which of these signs means that you should buckle your seat belt to be safe?
Very Good!!!
Sorry! Try Again!
Which of these signs means that there is a fire station here?
Very Good!!!
Sorry! Try Again!
Which of these signs means that bicycles are not allowed here?
Very Good!!!
Sorry! Try Again!
Which of these signs means that swimming is NOT allowed here?
Very Good!!!
Sorry! Try Again!
Which of these signs means that you must stop here?
Very Good!!!
Sorry! Try Again!
Which of these signs means that you can walk across the street now?
Very Good!!!
Sorry! Try Again!
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