Exploring MPSnet: MILLARD’S INTRANET Revised 9/09 L.Brodeur
MPSnet: Accessing the MPS Intranet Open your web browser at school or any other computer with internet access. Type the following URL into the address bar: http://mpsnet.mpsomaha.org or click on the link for MPS Intranet if you are using a Millard computer.
MPSnet: Accessing the MPS Intranet Type your Novell username into the appropriate text box. Press <Tab>. Type your network/computer password. Click SUBMIT.
MPSnet: Selecting a Division Press on your mouse pointer on the double triangles. Slide to the division you need, then let go of your mouse button. Click Go!
MPSnet: Menus and Choices Once you are on a Division page you will see links on the left. Most pages will show Documents, News, Calendar, Resources (web links), FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), and division Contact information. Click to choose the category you want…
MPSnet: Example of a Division page The main window will show you the choices available under each menu link. Click on the link that you need.
MPSnet: Expanding a Division page To see all of the documents available, click the “Show All” link under the main window title. All of the documents for each of the black bold-faced categories will be shown.
MPSnet: There’s a lot of info there! Once you are into the MPSnet, you can make other Division selections at the top of each page. Slide to the Division you need, then let go of your mouse button. Click Go! Don’t forget to click GO!
Remember the Show All button! MPSnet: Keep looking Check out the various menu choices on the left …there’s a lot of information available! Remember the Show All button!
MPSnet: Logging out When you are finished, be sure to Logout!