Learning about Database Systems Yahya Alhawsawi Hani Alqaffas CSCI 152
Programming Example Description and Details Students registration system. This graph is showing how that system looks like, and how many screens or choices under main screen going to be . Next
What is Searching In Databadse And how does it work? Searching consider as an important function and every database must have this function. Why searching is so important ? Searching is a tool or function that used to find one specific information or more in one simple table or more than one table. That table could has over that 1000 records . By using that tool can save a lot of time to find information that information could be in the first record , in the middle or in the last record of a table . Basically The strategy of Searching is using one word or more as key words, and then the program finds or compare if there any field has the same key word.
Main screen Back
printing all students Back
Add a New Student Screen Back
Delete All Students Screen Back
Searching Screen Back
Searching For All Students Back
Searching By ID Number Back
Searching By GPA Back
Searching By First Name Back
Searching By Last Name Back
Searching By Major Back
Searching by Phone Back
Project Progress We are working on fourth and last function function which are Deleting and Updating functions. In these functions will use ID number as key word to find a student that you want to delete it or update a student’s information.
References 1- DATABASE SYSTEMS Author are Ramez Elmasir & Shamkant B. Navathe. 2-HOW TO PROGRAM C FIFTH EDITION