Welcome to the Sky Island Home Owners Association Annual Meeting 2018
Annual Meeting Agenda Introduction of the BOD and ACC Financial Report Vote on Ratification of the Budget Accomplishments Maintenance Update Election for open Board Positions Questions from the Homeowners Adjourn
Introduction of Your HOA Board Ted Rogers Board President Kristin Betenson Secretary Steve Kartchner Treasurer Bill Frederic Maintenance Monitor Amy Geiger Member at Large
Introduction of the Architectural Control Committee Shirley Craig, ACC Chair Person Ben Drinkwater Linnea Maulding Thomas Som The ACC approves all requests per our ACC rules and regulations. The committee has been busy this year with over 30 homeowner requests for things; such as colors of homes, fences, change of landscapes etc.. The board appreciates all the time and effort the ACC has put in to helping to beautify our community!
2018 ACC Approvals 5/18 fence 5/23 exterior paint 5/24 exterior lighting 6/4 Pergola 6/19 satellite dish 6/25 exterior paint 7/9 exterior paint 7/11 deck 7/11 exterior paint 7/12 exterior paint 7/24 exterior paint 8/10 deck 8/22 exterior paint 8/27 exterior paint 1/26 fence 2/4 Tree removal 2/18 3/13 exterior paint 3/13 covered deck 3/20 garden shed and front door 3/29 exterior paint 3/15 exterior paint 4/10 exterior paint 4/24 exterior paint 5/5 satellite dish 5/18 fence 5/9 exterior paint Sprinkler approved, back yard not approved waiting on permit
Financial Report Current and Future financial requirements are funded by the HOA assessment. Summary of Operating Account and Reserve Account changes Total Income YTD = $98,123 (2% below budget) Total Expenses YTD = $80,634(18% above budget)
Financial performance is better than planned! Financial Report Homeowner dues are $300 per year, with a 5% discount if paid by the end of January ~75% of homeowners take advantage of this discount There are pressures on the budget in the future The new park area Inflationary increases in the water bill, insurance, mowing and landscaping, etc. We have enough income to meet obligations for 2019 2018 Expenditures are above projections Reserve Account ($118,498) is above Fully Funded projection of $106,807 for Aug 2018 Financial performance is better than planned!
Sky Island Budget Summary
Vote on Ratification of the Budget
2018 Accomplishments Adding rock to the Park parking lot and rubber bumpers Improving our trails Changing the Landscaping to 2 days a week Changes to our water plan to preserve our park grass and other areas. Updated our 30 year Reserve Study No dues increase for 2019
2018 Accomplishments Touched up the Sky Island Sign Adding rock to the parking lot & rubber bumpers.
2018 Accomplishments Added rocks along Sky Island Improving our trails.
Maintenance Update Entrance monument. Repainted the SKY ISLAND letters and refreshed the background paint. Removed and replaced the rootbound soil in the planter and replaced the soaker hose system. Park. Refreshed the play chips. Renewed the parking lot gravel and replaced the parking space bumpers. Added boulders for appearance and traffic control. Sky Island Drive. Added glacial boulders for appearance and traffic control. We’ll continue to use the sticks between the boulders to reduce/eliminate parking on the grass. Turf. We had to double up on the watering for 6 weeks due to the 120 days without rain and damages caused by a large hatch of crane flies.
Future Plans Project Name EST. Start Solar crosswalk sign at 95th and SI Dr. 3/1/19 Perennial plants on gravel on lots w/ large retaining walls(DIV 3-6) Expand the nature trails 1/1/20 Enhance the playground with additional space & toys for 2-5 year old kids. 2/1/20 Install laurel screen to Div. r retention pond. 9/1/22 Nature Park- Plant tree screen for pump house. Plant shrubbery along SI Drive 9/1/23 Install welcome sign at South entrance on SI drive 3/1/24
Nature Park Sky Island Division 7
Division 7 Plat plan
Examples of Main Vue Homes
2018-2019 ELECTIONS Please submit a Nomination Form for open positions available on the Board of Directors or the Architectural Control Committee. The Board will be electing a new Board and ACC Member at the November Meeting. Current open positions; Maintenance Monitor on the BOD and 1 open position on the ACC.
2018 Annual Meeting Halloween Parking/Grass Strips Home Owners Question and Answer
2018Annual Meeting Close The Board of Directors would like to Thank the Gordon YMCA for allowing us to use their facilities. We’d like to Thank Total Property Management for their outstanding support throughout the 2018 year. Special thanks to Coletta Nilssen for filling our “Doggie Bags,” and additional thanks to Coletta & Cooper(the dog) for adopting Sky Island Drive for Clean Up.
We want to thank you all for being responsible homeowners and working with us to help make our Sky Island community so beautiful. It has been a lot of hard work and at times somewhat trying, but working together we have been extremely successful! - Your Sky Island Board of Directors and Architectural Control Committee