Charge to the Working Groups
Basic Research What basic research needs to be done? Are there current programs that should be expanded, continued, or redirected? What specific areas of Sensemaking are currently being ignored? e.g. enhancers and inhibitors of Sensemaking
Applied Research What applied research needs to be done? Who might be the “customers?” Identify strengths and weaknesses of current research. Pinpoint gaps in research. e.g. Group Sensemaking in the military under stress with limited information and resources. Information warfare
Expert Panel Identify individual experts in aspects of Sensemaking to: -advise DoD on research directions, -review ongoing efforts, -lead specific research thrusts. -characterize State of the Art. -identify high-priority research needs. -identify work that would provide a foundation to build on. -identify good empirical efforts and data that can be ‘mined.’ Experts may be from academia, industry, or the military.
Practitioner Panel Identify practitioners in applying Sensemaking concepts to organizations and/or problem domains to convene periodically. Identify examples of success (and failure). Practitioners need not have knowledge of the military C2 and interagency processes. Practitioners to work in parallel with the expert panel on framing, brainstorming, and evaluating results.
Organizational Linkages Which organizations could be involved in future Sensemaking research projects? Assistance could include funding, housing of new experiments, ongoing relevant research programs, lending of expertise, etc. Examples: -NSF -Service Research Organization -DARPA -J9/JFCOM -Industry -Academia -NATO