Project Certification Close Out Phase November 16, 2015 GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Transportation Services Division GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) Project Certification Close Out Phase November 16, 2015
GPS Project Summary Transportation Services Division (TSD) through the Transportation Services Act Chapter 15 Article 8 NMSA 1978 along with NMAC 1.5.3 Administrative Use of State Vehicles is responsible for; Ensuring that vehicles operating in the state fleet are operating at efficient levels and Drivers are adhering to safe operational practices By incorporating GPS technology with existing fleet management and fuel data, TSD will be able to transform the way they manage the State fleet which should result in increased efficiencies driven by ; Fuel reductions; idle time reductions; reduction in total miles driven and even in an associated reduction in staff overtime This technology also has the ability to conduct engine diagnostics that can alert TSD mechanical staff of potential issues before major damage can occur
TSD MISSION & Performance Measures Mission: “To help our customers get to their destination on time and cost effectively with safe, dependable transportation." This is right in line of what we hope to accomplish with the installation of the GPS system. Performance Measure : Percent of passenger vehicle leased revenue to expenses. percent increase in short term vehicle use. As vehicles are more closely monitored more short term leasing operations can be established by moving long term leased vehicles into these operations.
Fleet GPS Project-Funding
Fleet GPS Budget TOTAL Appropriation Balance (Amt less Commitments) Vendor Project Commitments Amount Paid Balance Appropriation Amount $376,000.00 Consulting $58,922.00 $0.00 IV&V $18,168.75 $11,756.26 $6,412.49 GPS Units $99,400.00 $71,400.00 $28,000.00 Monitoring $68,700.00 TOTAL $245,250.75 $151, 916.26 $93,334.29 Appropriation Balance (Amt less Commitments) $130, 749.25
Fleet GPS Project Accomplishments Requirements Traceability Matrix complete Networkfleet Telematics software fully integrated to FleetFocus middleware MAXQueue Odometer Reading Engine Diagnotics/Alerts Last known vehicle position (longitude/latitude) 500 plus GPS units installed End-to-End Testing completed Data from GPS units installed in vehicle being captured Reports have been built Administrators (Functional/Technical) trained Fleet Coordinators and Users trained Transition to Operations WebEx conducted with Maintenance/Admin staff Cutover/go live complete Post-Implementation Support complete
Fleet GPS Reports Idle Time Speeding Fuel Consumption Utilization Emissions GEO Fencing Engine Diagnostics
Baseline Fuel Consumption Week Miles Driven Gallons MPG Vehicle Driven 3-Aug 34,533 1772 19.48815 96 10-Aug 32,676 1703.08 19.18642 109 17-Aug 36,434 1893.77 19.23887 137 24-Aug 38,130 1966.42 19.39057 142 31-Aug 39,397 2,024.43 19.46079 158 7-Sep 44,775 2233.99 20.04261 156 14-Sep 39,073 1819.73 21.47187 188 21-Sep 51,323 2429.45 21.12536 233 28-Sep 55,037 2746.61 20.03816 237 5-Oct 58,498 3075.13 19.02294 271 12-Oct 76,033 4149 18.32562 304 19-Oct 105,192 6640 15.84217 415 26-Oct 135,157 8452 15.99113 433 2-Nov 126,395 8221 15.37465 424 9-Nov Average MPG 872,653 49126.6 17.76335
IDLE EVENTS Week Idle Time 10+ minutes Vehicle Driven Avg Per Vehicle 3-Aug 290 96 3.020833333 10-Aug 370 109 3.394495413 17-Aug 412 137 3.00729927 24-Aug 404 142 2.845070423 31-Aug 386 158 2.443037975 7-Sep 338 156 2.166666667 14-Sep 407 188 2.164893617 21-Sep 554 233 2.377682403 28-Sep 658 237 2.776371308 5-Oct 598 271 2.206642066 12-Oct 733 304 2.411184211 19-Oct 1019 415 2.455421687 26-Oct 1329 433 3.069284065 2-Nov 1447 424 3.412735849 9-Nov IDLE EVENTS
AVG HRS IDLE PER VEHICLE Week Idle Hours Vehicle Driven Avg Per Vehicle 3-Aug 151 96 1.572916667 10-Aug 185 109 1.697247706 17-Aug 208 137 1.518248175 24-Aug 204 142 1.436619718 31-Aug 188 158 1.189873418 7-Sep 166 156 1.064102564 14-Sep 213 1.132978723 21-Sep 285 233 1.223175966 28-Sep 348 237 1.46835443 5-Oct 303 271 1.118081181 12-Oct 405 304 1.332236842 19-Oct 555 415 1.337349398 26-Oct 726 433 1.676674365 2-Nov 764 424 1.801886792 9-Nov AVG HRS IDLE PER VEHICLE
AVG MILES DRIVEN Week Total Miles Driven Total Trips Taken Avg Miles Per Week Avg Miles Per Trip Vehicle Driven 3-Aug 36075 2045 375.78125 17.6405868 96 10-Aug 44112 3041 404.6972477 14.50575469 109 17-Aug 51874 3830 378.6423358 13.54412533 137 24-Aug 53623 4001 377.6267606 13.4023994 142 31-Aug 59701 4212 377.8544304 14.17402659 158 7-Sep 52132 3732 334.1794872 13.96891747 156 14-Sep 66275 4506 352.5265957 14.70816689 188 21-Sep 77903 5602 334.3476395 13.90628347 233 28-Sep 90257 6066 380.8312236 14.87916255 237 5-Oct 93918 6194 346.5608856 15.16273813 271 12-Oct 96223 6279 316.5230263 15.32457398 304 19-Oct 131367 8736 316.546988 15.03743132 415 26-Oct 163757 10000 378.1916859 16.3757 433 2-Nov 151870 9814 358.1839623 15.47483187 424 9-Nov AVG MILES DRIVEN
EMISSIONS Week Gallons of Fuel Used CO2 Emission (Lbs) Vehicle Driven Avg Gallons Used Per Vehicle 3-Aug 1430 34917 2161 96 14.89583333 10-Aug 1642 43845 2633 109 15.06422018 17-Aug 1894 51524 3111 137 13.82481752 24-Aug 1980 54217 3212 142 13.94366197 31-Aug 2295 57060 3602 158 14.52531646 7-Sep 1818 48645 3107 156 11.65384615 14-Sep 2424 62169 3961 188 12.89361702 21-Sep 3122 75590 4613 233 13.39914163 28-Sep 3793 88661.5 5320.6 237 16.00421941 5-Oct 4051 94689.5 5650.7 271 14.94833948 12-Oct 4149 100003.5 5716 304 13.64802632 19-Oct 6640 153896.6 7858 415 16 26-Oct 8452 191589 9768 433 19.51963048 2-Nov 8220 184073 9057 424 19.38679245 9-Nov EMISSIONS
GPS Project Pilot Agencies Department of Information Technology Gaming Control Board Department of Transportation Taxation & Revenue Department Children Youth & Family Department General Services Department Short Term Fleet Facilities Management Div. Administrative Services Div. Regulation & Licensing State Treasurer’s Department
Requirements Traceability Matrix # Requirement Pilot Agency Use Application Identification – Where is this located within the application User Acceptance Testing – is this included, how? Training – is this covered? Initial Results/Sampling – What is being learned BR-1 Ability to track mileage of vehicles All Participating Agencies This ability is located throughout the system. "Track Vehicle" tab will provide user with ability to see route and mileages displaying odometer reading, speed, stops, and distances. Current application allows the user to go back 7 days. Reports can be generated for 30 day time periods and contacting the provider will result in being able to acquire a years’ worth of data. This was included in the testing and the user was able to view life vehicle activity on the system and was able to generate reports to actually view vehicle utilization. Yes this is included. User is shown how to track vehicle up to the last seven days refining the search up to the last 2 minutes. This was specifically addressed in the user training syllabus under Location Details; Track Vehicle/Asset; Dashboard; and in Running Reports. The system produces a great deal of detail on any particular vehicle. It collects data at two minute intervals; however the user has the ability to establish different criteria to acquire only the data that is needed. The biggest lesson being learned is that there are multiple ways to acquire the necessary data and it becomes apparent that each user will find a way to acquire the necessary information based upon their comfort levels and user requirements
GPS Next Steps Continue to track data metrics against baseline to determine ROI and efficiencies gained Training and oversight by TSD and Agencies in effort to change driver behaviors. Review login report on a scheduled basis to track what Agency is using data being given to them. Remove old RLD units from sampling Add additional attributes for reporting by those attributes and have ability to sort groups by vehicle type or agency. Conduct a follow-up training for Pilot Agencies Implement Another 500 Units
GPS Project Certification Approval GSD Respectfully Requests Approval to Close Out the Fleet GPS Project