Na Wang and Qing Qin Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing Extension of Tsutsui model for kicker impedance calculations with beta<1 Na Wang and Qing Qin Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing
Outline Context Tsutsui’s model Longitudinal impedance Transverse impedance Applications
Context Extraction kickers are known as the major contributor to the impedance budget. Non-ultrarelativistic effects In the beam pipe, the EM field generated by the beam will be further modulated by the surroundings. In free space, the EM field carried by a point charge q is contracted in a thin disk with a angular spread of 1/. In the limit v = c, the disk shrinks into a thickness. (A. Chao) v < c v = c
Context Longitudinal and transverse resistive wall wake (Frank Zimmerman and Katsunobu Oide) The differences between the ultra-relativistic limit are significant for < 3.
Context Real and imaginary part of the longitudinal impedance of a pillbox cavity (S.A. Heifets and S.A. Kheifets) (1) = 100 (2) = 10 (3) = 5 (4) = 2 (5) = 1.4 The non-ultrarelativistic effect should be considered, more general formulae are needed!
Tsutsui’s model Vacuum: a < x < a, b < y < b Ferrite Vacuum: a < x < a, b < y < b Ferrite: a < x < a, b < |y| < d Perfect conductor: |x| > a or |y| > d The kicker has infinite length. Beam passes at x = y = 0 with constant velocity v = c. Frequency Domain - Field matching method Impedances are expressed as an integration of the EM field experienced by a test particle over a finite length. Impedance calculation electro-dynamic problem of finding the fields in the vacuum chamber by a given beam current.
Field matching Field in the vacuum region Field in the ferrite region Synchrotron part (source fields) Fulfill the vacuum boundary conditions Convergent at z Radiated part (waveguide modes) Field in the ferrite region Continuity of tangential field at |x| < a, y = b
Longitudinal impedance Beam source A point charge q moving on the axis of the beam pipe with a velocity c. The current density in frequency domain is k = /c is the longitudinal wave number. To meet the boundary condition at the perfect conducting edge, we add image currents at (x, y) = (2na, 0), n=1, 2, …
Longitudinal impedance By solving the Maxwell equations, we obtain the nonzero source fields in the vacuum region n = 0: self-field n = 1, 2, …: field generated by image currents kr = k/ = /c, K0, K1 are modified Bessel functions
Longitudinal impedance We solve the wave equations in Cartesian coordinates, and obtain the EM field in the vacuum region An and Bn are unknown coeffiecients, and
Longitudinal impedance Electromagnetic field in the upper ferrite block Cn and Dn are unknown coeffiecients,
Longitudinal impedance Unknown coefficients An, Bn, Cn and Dn are determined by field matching at the interface y = b and |x| < a here, we have introduced the Fourier transformations
Longitudinal impedance Longitudinal impedance per unit length with
Transverse impedance The method used to calculated the transverse impedance of a ferrite is similar to the one developed for longitudinal impedance calculation. Both horizontal and vertical impedances are considered. Current density Horizontal Image current densities at (x, y) = (2ma, 0), m = 1, 2, … Vertical
Transverse impedance Transverse impedances have similar forms as the longitudinal one. with Nxn, Nyn and M5n defined as
Comparion with Hsutsui’s results In the ultra-relativistic limit of v c Longitudinal Horizontal Vertical The results agree with to Tsutsui’s expressions!
Applications CSNS: Einj/Eext = 0.08/1.6 GeV, inj/ ext = 1.1/2.7 a = 100 mm, b = 60 mm, d = 100 mm, L = 1 m r = 12, r= rjr CSNS extraction kicker model
real part imaginary part Longitudinal Vertical The differences between different are significant for < 2.7.
Conclusion Both longitudinal and transverse coupling impedance of Hsutsui’s model is extended to more general case of beta < 1, and compact expressions are obtained. The results are benchmarked with Tsutsui’s formula at the relativistic limit. Numerical result shows significant differences for < 2.7
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