Coast Guard SUPRT Program
ValueOptions Founded by Navy Psychiatrist Recognized leader in providing EAP and Work Life Balance Services Over 30 years or providing these services Provide services to over 30 million lives including 6.2 million lives associated with the uniformed services
Range of Support EAP Counseling Consultations Work Life Balance Legal, Financial and Tax Services Health Coaching Career Counseling for Dependents Training Critical Incident Support
General Eligibility Active Duty, Members of the Selected Reserve, Civilian Employees Family members
Reliable Access Accessed by 855-CG SUPRT or Primary Call Center in Chesapeake, VA After hours handled by Central Night Services Disaster Recovery and Call Surge supported by multiple call Centers Website has redundancy for maximum service levels
EAP Counseling 12 sessions per problem on a rolling 12 month period Master’s level counselors answer CG SUPRT line Face-to-Face counseling by credentialed network Telephonic counseling provided by licensed clinician Online Chat provided by licensed clinician
Consultation Telephonic consultation for managers, supervisors and commands regarding staff with performance issues due to personal concerns Partner with managers to develop effective strategies to assist staff Web-based tools, handbooks and videos Training on the CG SUPRT Program
Work Life Balance Child Development and Care Adult and Elder Care Daily Living Issues Summer Camps Special Needs Children and Adults Parenting Skills Educational Resources for Children
Legal 30 minute free telephonic consultation by attorney Referral to local attorney for free, initial consultation and 25% discount if the individual desires to continue Identity Theft Services Online legal tools and content
Financial and Tax Advice 30 minute telephonic consultation on financial concerns (there are no financial products or investments promoted) Online financial calculators and tools as well as content including videos and webinars Link to H&R Block specific website for the filing of Federal and up to three State tax returns for free
Health Coaching 45-minute sessions: different than EAP counseling Online “chat” and telephonic options Online coaching modules: Living Series Length of coaching varies (5-6 months average)
Coaching Process Explore and assess Vision and establish areas of focus Goal development and plan Monitor progress and accountability Outcomes
Areas of Coaching Focus Weight, time, or stress management Exercise and fitness Life transition: new baby, move, empty nest Responsible drinking Tobacco cessation Personal leadership
Plan Development Create SMART/MAP goals Commit to an Action Plan Specific Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Passionate Commit to an Action Plan Discuss barriers, triggers, strategies Evaluate effectiveness of behavior-change strategies (ongoing)
Why Do Participants Work with a Coach? Physical behavior change Empowerment Energy Support Accountability Perspective Self-confidence Resilience
Health and Wellness Coaches Interdisciplinary team of health professionals Have degrees in health-related fields Certified in coaching Have clinical and behavior change expertise
Online Coaching Programs • LivingEasy™, a resiliency and stress management tool • LivingLean™, a workshop to control unhealthy eating habits • LivingFree™, a course proven to help members stop smoking • LivingFit™, where members learn to make exercise a habit
Career Counseling Online web tools that assist with resume development, career planning and improving interviewing skills Telephonic support for dependents utilizing these tools Referrals to local assistance
Training 10 live program briefings via webinars and/or teleconferences In-person orientations about CG SUPRT Numerous online webinars and videos including the LifeSpeak series
Critical Response Partnership that includes two tiers of service: supplemental trained clinicians deploy to the incident and corporate level crisis response experts added to the USCG team Trauma response network of trained clinicians numbering 4,000 nationwide available within 24 hours to travel Content and webinars available through
Website Award winning website with USCG customization Thousands of vetted articles supporting over 200 topics Interactive tools, webinars and videos Customized online announcements Spanish content and navigation
Quality Assurance Specific USCG Training for staff Annual Quality Assurance program evaluation provided included concerns and course corrections Complaints should be directed to the COR 2 tier approach to obtaining evaluation/satisfaction data
Promotion Brochure Video Quarterly e-bulletins on a variety of topics CGSUPRT.COM announcements Organic touch points 855-CG SUPRT (247-8778)
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