Enhancing of chaum mixes with random probabilistic functions by Kanna
Overlook Random Generation (Yarrow/Fortuna vs standard rng functions like rand) Use random variable to determine the “path” the mix takes per round Use another random variable to determine the stats of the mix for said round Determine if dummy messages are in play and a random value to determine number of dummy messages popped. Mathematical analysis of the entire model. Cost vs Anonymity analysis
Current progress Determining random generator (Left for later) Designing the model for mix pathing (In progress) Mathematical analysis (After model and generator is determined) Strength against blending attacks/steady state attacks (After basic Math analysis) Looking into memory management (After Model is determined)
Resources How to Eat Your Entropy and Have it Too -- Optimal Recovery Strategies for Compromised RNGs Yevgeniy Dodis and Adi Shamir and Noah Stephens-Davidowitz and Daniel Wichs https://github.com/etam/fortuna Anonymity of Memory Limited Chaum Mixes under Timing Analysis: An Information Theoretic Perspective Mishra, A. and Venkitasubramaniam, P.