Centre for Sustainable International Development Launch 14 th September
Overview Global situation What the Centre proposes to achieve Foundations laid Future directions
Sustainable development Economic, social and environment process are inter-connected Rio Summit on Environment and Development, 1992
Millennium Development Goals
Progress towards achievement of the goals Overall global levels of poverty Marked improvements in many continents/countries BUT poverty remains very high in – sub-Saharan Africa (across the board chronically deprived) – South Asia (partially chronically deprived) urban slum dwellers in these regions
Lessons learned Trickle down theory does not work Worlds richest 2% hold over 50% of wealth Inequalities in access to resources are increasing Income is not the only measure that affects well-being Importance of social cohesion & social inclusion Humanitarian situations can seriously undermine development
Progress towards achievement of the goals Sub-Saharan Africa – very high child and maternal mortality – high adolescent birth rate – high HIV prevalence – very low access to reproductive health services (22% women using contraception), clean water, sanitation Less that half of women in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia attended by a skilled birth attendant
Key messages Linkages – progress in one MDG goal affects others Need for local policy commitment and coherent international enabling environment in agricultural productivity responsible for a decrease in poverty and hunger Elimination of user charges Need investments in skilled health workers and birth attendants, water and sanitation in slums Importance of girls access to education, health and productive assets Need for targeted interventions, including social protection & employment Diversification of livelihoods – clean energy, reduction in indoor air pollution Changes to domestic resource allocation
Overview Global situation What the Centre proposes to achieve Foundations laid Future directions Mark Reed
Vision The Centres vision is to make a significant contribution to the sustainable achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other international development targets. Uganda, Robin Waugh
Guiding principles (1) 1.Commitment to equity and social inclusion and the promotion of equality of access to sustainable development for all citizens (including persons with temporary residence) with special attention to socially excluded persons (including national minorities, persons with disabilities, migrants, displaced persons and refugees). 2.Enhancement of human dignity and protection of the human rights of all persons. Street children, Bishkek, Homans
Guiding principles (2) 3. Interdisciplinary evidence-informed, needs based and results-oriented research, monitoring and evaluation contributing to policy and sustainable development. 4. Multi-sectoral age, gender and diversity- sensitive innovative approaches, involving partners at all levels within public, private and non-profit sectors. 5. Consistent with the global and national development agenda
Overview Global situation What the Centre proposes to achieve Foundations laid Future directions
Created data base of expertise and research programmes, scoping exercise Prioritised areas for future work Developed Strategy in conjunction with University Steering Group 44 Associates (are you interested ?) 4 Fellows (are you interested ?) Advisory Board – 6 members Progress so far (1)
Centre for Sustainable International Development data base (CSID Info) of where staff are working and on what topics (by MDGs and Research Councils UK priorities)
Millennium Development Goals
Progress so far (2) Building strategic partnerships in – the University ACES, Centre for Energy and Law, Gender Studies Centre – local community Cafe Internationale – external organisations International Centre for Migration Health and Development, discussions with World Chronic Poverty Centre and ? YOU Building capacity of – Staff sessions to over 150 staff – researchers e.g. Gender and development Support to funding proposals Communicating and disseminating knowledge (webpage)
Overview Global situation What the Centre proposes to achieve Foundations laid Future directions Photoshare,K4Health
Priorities identified Prioritisation exercise - build on existing excellence: maternal mortality reduction and public health (organisation & delivery of health care, HIV & neglected diseases) & the effects of pollution on health environmental sustainability/living with environmental change (climate change, deforestation, desertification, drought resistant crops, ecosystems services, urbanisation & water security) energy for development (bio-energy, renewable energy, the World Energy Cities Partnerships, the Centre for Energy Law). Aberdeen - the only oil city within the UK Energy city of Europe Unless assets below the ground are invested above the ground you have a depletion of resources
Opportunities Opportunities to apply and expand nationally focused research to developing country contexts – Digital Economy Research Hub funded by the Research Councils United Kingdom – Rowett Institute of Health and Nutrition – Sustainable rural development /land reform – Transport Centre – Application of scientific & technological innovations for development
University contribution to the achievement of the MDGs Knowledge generation - creating a learning society about the development context & constraints Inter-disciplinary approaches to development Develop a critical mass of expertise –staff, students, Scholarships, exchange programmes Community/user responsive Strategic partnerships, including public/private, commercial Demonstrate impact – research into policy and practice
Robin Waugh, Uganda Thank you