BACKGROUND INFORMATION RESOURCES REQUIRED W/ POC PERSON TO ENGAGE: LTG Adrian Bradshaw: CDR Land Forces, United Kingdom LTG Jacko Page: CDR Force Development & Training, United Kingdom OPR: SCD POC: MAJ Joe Smith 314-537-1112 VISIT DATES: 15 March 2013 (As of: 141300FEB13) WHO WHEN WHO REASON FOR VISIT: To visit JMTC SENIOR ESCORT: CG, JMTC WHERE WHO VISITOR'S OBJECTIVES: To reestablish a good working relationship with key decision-makers in USAREUR and orient themselves to JMTC and available training opportunities AGENDA 15 MARCH 13 1000 Fly over GTA ranges 1030 -1130 GTA brief/orientation 1130 - 1200 Simulation brief 1200 – 1230 Working lunch w/cg 1230-1300 Fly to HTA 1300-1600 HTA brief/orientation 1600 Depart HTA to Nurnberg BACKGROUND INFORMATION WHEN & WHERE WHY USAREUR DESIRED ENDSTATE: Must be clear, concise, and measurable. Information in this block will be used to assess and measure the success of the visit. WHO (Provide key historical context related to your visitor (that is, why are they here, what do they want to discuss, what do they want to here from USAREUR engager, and what background information does the USAREUR engager need for this discussion.) WHY TRAVEL PARTY (3): LTG Bradshaw, UK MA; LTG Page, UK MA; UK LO to USAREUR: COL Chesterfield WHO RESOURCES REQUIRED W/ POC PREVIOUS VISIT (IF KNOWN): None COMING FROM: Nurnberg GOING TO: Nurnberg GTA/simulation brief – G3 TREX/JMTC Gift exchange - ESD WHERE WHAT CG Approved: YES/NO DATE: CG Approval Status