A New Academic Year 2016 Fall Conclave August 12, 2016
Welcome and Introductions
Group Photo
Public Service Announcement
Tools of the Trade
By the Numbers 83 Faculty Members 17 Staff Assistants 14 Other Staff Members 4 Academic Departments and 1 Academic Center 4 Clinics
Student Enrollment Trends
The Elephant in the Room MSU Budget Reductions for FY 17
Resources for Faculty and Staff www.murraystate.edu/coehs
COEHS Intranet coehsnet.murraystate.edu
University Calendar www.murraystate.edu/calendar
College Priorities: 2016 and Beyond Enhance recruitment and retention of students (graduate and undergraduate) Develop strategies for the successful recruitment and retention of faculty needed to fill all open lines Regional campuses: expand transfer agreements and articulation Complete the adoption of the COEHS Policy Manual Complete adoption of Diversity Action Plan Expand Counseling and Assessment Center offerings to accommodate increased referrals from surrounding communities Successfully implement new faculty evaluation policy (ARF) Pursue successful reaccreditations: CAEP and EPSB Celebrate successful ongoing accreditations: CAA, CSWE, and CACREP
Best wishes for a successful fall semester Best wishes for a successful fall semester! Let us know how we can assist you.