Organization and Time Management ADDult BR Chapter May 18, 2009 Presentation: John Simoneaux
Organization & Time Management Several ADDult Symptoms Procrastination Always feeling rushed or late Absent Mindedness Lack of motivation Overwhelming anxiety Depression & lack of self esteem
Solutions Isolate the problem Planning : [ Divide and Conquer ] Get Fit : [ Exercise your brain ] R & R : [ Rest and Rewards ]
1. Isolate the Problem Complete the weekly “Time Log” Prioritize Analyze “Time Log” How much quality family time Overcome with work? TV time (Do you unplug while you sleep) Prioritize Determine what is of importance Make Adjustments change the things that aren’t working
2. Planning [Divide & Conquer] Add more time to your day Wake 30 minutes earlier Set time to be in bed for the night Know how long it takes for you to wrap up the day Have a set routine for Morning and Evening Create a “To Do” List Write it down! – Categorize, Prioritize, Update Grocery, chores, bills, study, deadlines, appointments Add tasks as the arise Pocket sized notepad
Planning Cont. [Divide and Conquer ] Create a backup plan Plan for the unforeseen [ What could go wrong ] cut the grass - raining Flat tire // Pick up kids uniforms for ceremony Shoe store sold out Plan for tomorrow Tasks done the night before Lunches prepped / Breakfast prepped Lunch Bags Done. Left overs. Cook enough for several meals Freeze items individually Have daily items laid out and in place Gym bag packed / Brief case / Car keys / Backpack Checks written, Items out in plain view ( for reminders )
Planning Cont. [Divide & Conquer] Purchase an Organizer Keep everything in one spot [keep it with you] Contacts / Billing address’ /Stamps /Pens Calendar Write down newly made appointments Incorporate School Calendar To do listings Add and subtract as needed Get a sense of accomplishment / self esteem Have a set place for particulars Keys /shoes /tools /remote control
3. Get Fit : [ Exercise your Brain ] Routine and Structure Scientific proof ADD – Physical Activity Clear your mind Keep it Quiet. No headphones Revitalizes & increases endorphins Break between personal / professional life When you wake – EXERCISE Just Do It – Get it Completed – Scratch It Find something that works for you Crunches, running, aerobics, push-ups
Get Fit Cont: [ Exercise your Brain ] Eat a Healthy & Often Don’t forget BREAKFAST Oatmeal, Fruit, Yogurt, Grape Nuts Smaller size portions – more often Take Supplements Once a day vitamins B-12 / vitamin C Baby Aspirin Omega 3 – fish oil Break Time Split your day into sectors Allocate your time (schedule your time and stick to it) Divide your project by completing small tasks Get away and forget about it Don’t run yourself into the ground
Get Fit Cont : [Exercise your Brain] Diet – Make foods in bulk when possible Smoothies Mustard / No Mayo Crystal Lite / No soda Wheat Bread Frozen Vegetables / Frozen Fruit Turkey Grapefruit Yogurt Skim Milk Oatmeal w/ Frozen Fruit Grilled Chicken Salads
4. R & R [Rest & Rewards] Enjoy and Embrace Every Day Make your life a priority Put yourself FIRST sometimes [ you can say, “NO”] “PENCIL IN” down time on your To Do list Leave work at work Slow Down [appreciate what you have and have accomplished] Learn How to RELAX Definition of Rest is NOT…….. Sleep is a natural recovery agent / Power Rest when possible Make adjustments if schedule isn’t working Listen to your body Know your physical limits Know when your beginning to get sick
R & R Cont. [Rest and Rewards] Reward Yourself Scratch completed things off the list Schedule fun things Have a cheat day Allow for reward time [TV time, free time] Get out of town for a few hours / weekend Festivals / Camping / Ballgames