Sexual Disorders
Paraphilias Pedophilia
Paraphilias Exhibitionism aversion therapy masturbatory satiation social skills training hypnotherapy covert conditioning
Paraphilias Fetishism aversion therapy covert sensitization masturbatory satiation orgasmic reorientation partialism
Paraphilias Frotteurism Sexual Masochism Sexual Sadism
Paraphilias Transvestic Fetishism
Paraphilias Voyeurism
Paraphilias Other Paraphilias scatologia necrophilia zoophilia coprophilia klismaphilia urophilia
Gender Identity Disorder
Features of Gender Identity Disorders Man or Woman? Trapped in the Body of the Wrong Sex Transexualism Rare
The Nature of Gender Identity Disorders Goal is Not Sexual No Physical Abnormalities Independent of Sexual Arousal
The Treatment of Gender Identity Disorders Sex Reassignment Surgery Costs $25,000 - 30,000 Double $ for Female to Male Female-to-Male Adjust Better
The Nature of Sexual Arousal and Function Desire Phase Resolution Arousal - Excitement Orgasm
Sexual Dysfunctions Disorders of the Desire Phase Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Sexual Aversion Disorders
Sexual Dysfunctions Causes Biological Causes Psychological Causes Sociocultural Causes
Sexual Dysfunctions Female Sexual Arousal Disorder Disorders of the Excitement Phase Female Sexual Arousal Disorder Male Erectile Disorder Biological Causes Psychological Causes Sociocultural Causes
Sexual Dysfunctions Disorders of the Orgasm Phase Female Orgasmic Disorder Male Orgasmic Disorder Premature Ejaculation
Sexual Dysfunctions Causes Biological Causes Psychological Causes Sociocultural Causes
Sexual Dysfunctions Sexual Pain Disorders Dyspareunia Vaginismus
Treatments for Sexual Dysfunctions Sex Therapy Principles and Techniques sensate focus nondemand pleasuring
Treatments for Sexual Dysfunctions Problem-Focused Techniques Hypoactive Sexual Desire and aaSexual Aversion Affectual awareness Self-instruction training Erectile Disorder Male Orgasmic Disorder
Treatments for Sexual Dysfunctions Problem-Focused Techniques Premature Ejaculation Female Arousal and aaOrgasmic Disorders Vaginismus Dyspareunia
The Development of Sexual Orientation Are You Born Nature vs. Nurture Straight ? Homosexual ? Bisexual? Nature vs. Nurture
The Development of Sexual Orientation Homosexuality Runs in Families More Common in Monozygotic Twins Inherit Sexual Predispositions