Neki pokazatelji energetskog sektora Aleksandar Macura Radna grupa: ŽIVOTNA SREDINA 23. novembar 2012. godine Centar za kulturu, Hilandarska 2, Lazarevac Tema: Budućnost energetske politike Srbije
Primary Energy Consumption Primary Energy Consumption EU 27 Primary Energy Consumption Serbia
Import Dependency EU 27 Serbia 53,9 % 33,6 %
Final Energy Consumption by sector EU 27 (2007) Serbia ( 2010)
Finalna potrošnja energije
Bilans električne energije- izvod
Potrošnja električne energije po stanu Srbija
Cene električne energije
Use of Natural Gas EU 27 (2007)
Use of Natural Gas- Serbia (2010)
Natural gas prices
Use of Petroleum Products in EU 27 (in 2007)
Final consumption of oil for energy purposes- Serbia(2010)
Index of goods transported by Road in 2007 ( Belgium=100)
Index of goods transported by Rail in 2007 ( Belgium=100)
Transport in Serbia
Gas prices
Po jedinici bruto domaćeg proizvoda