Personalised Health and Care 2020 Using Data and Technology to Transform Outcomes for Patients and Citizens Providing citizens with access to an assessed set of NHS and social care ‘apps’
National Information Board – Nov 2014
National Information Board context Mandate from the DH, accountable to National Info. Director Leadership and direction for technology developments - clarifies priorities, influences commissioning Achieved via a strategic consensus across ALBs and local government Other NIB workstreams (single destination for transactions, access to records…) Apps endorsement, digital standards, transparency, supporting innovation, commissioning/regulation
What is the rationale for app assessment? NATIONAL INFORMATION BOARD The apps market is not working Wisdom of the crowd is not an effective filter Professionals not ready to recommend Organisations making high quality apps need reason for doing so Study of 47 smoking cessation apps (Abroms et al, 2013)
Considerable challenges NATIONAL INFORMATION BOARD Controlling Costs Scale of demand Throttle quantity of assessment Building Trust Will the Health care system choose apps over existing measures Will citizens have confidence in them Encouraging innovation Thorough, considered, adaptable and streamlined Deliver proven digital applications System Lead / prioritised segments Robust Evaluation Higher risk Innovation focused Looking for indicators of quality Lower risk Tension
Phased Assessment and Endorsement NATIONAL INFORMATION BOARD Self-assessed quality Security & Privacy Technical standards User centred Application risk type (e.g. medical device) Proxy of Impact Crowd sourcing Establish demand Build trust Impact assessment Efficacy/Effectiveness Robust Studies (RCT) New Models (AB/Iterative) Independent evaluation Subject matter expert Cost effective Recommended
Independent assessment Dimensions of assessment NATIONAL INFORMATION BOARD Stage 1 Technical: Privacy, Accessibility, Technical stability, Interoperability Safety: Reliability of content used Algorithm/ calculations Usability: Usability best practice Actual usage data Stage 2 Stage 3 Value – to system and users Effectiveness Cost saving Behaviour change Other user outcome factors Self assessment + external validation APP Crowdsourcing APP APP APP Study development Independent assessment
Pilots – diabetes, mental health, smoking cessation… NATIONAL INFORMATION BOARD
Ongoing work Continue Stakeholder engagement NATIONAL INFORMATION BOARD Continue Stakeholder engagement Ongoing review of regulatory measures Literature review, methods review by academic centres User research – citizens, professionals, developers, funders Finalise self assessment process Commission crowdsourcing proposition Specify work package on study assessment and independent assessment
Value Proposition Not a regulatory process NATIONAL INFORMATION BOARD Not a regulatory process Identify and promote the best apps in health & social care. Provide a benchmark for the quality of app development in healthcare Prioritise high impact/cost saving/high risk apps for full assessment Proportionate use of resources Accessible Support for use….