The Role of Extra Care in Dorset: An Evaluation of Trailway Court 30/11/2018 The Role of Extra Care in Dorset: An Evaluation of Trailway Court Sara Macbeth Research & Development Officer Dorset County Council Adult and Community Services Produced by the Research Group, Commissioning & Contracts, A&CS
Perfect opportunity to look at the impact of extra care on Background DH Grant Application set out a commitment to evaluate extra care setting in North Dorset Perfect opportunity to look at the impact of extra care on People Local services Using methods based on previous national research
Methods Outcomes Costs Pre and post measures Face to face interviews using ASCOT Control group from ASCS Costs Recall / data collection from agencies Control group (n=16)
Findings – Impact to People
Findings – Impact to people (2)
Findings – Impact to costs
Findings – Impact to costs (2) Gaps in data / low numbers in our control. Health care costs dropped in both groups Social care costs increased in both groups Previously unmet need addressed Total increase between pre and post greater in control group. Findings are indicative only due to: Small numbers Contextual data not collected to account for confounders
Cost of ECH better understood locally. Implications Cost of ECH better understood locally. Improved outcomes compared to usual care. It costs money to do nothing. Nominations panel now more focussed. Commissioners supported our approach. “Improved methods and better links with stakeholders would improve the robustness of findings.”
Contact Details Sara Macbeth Research & Development Officer David Goswell Recently moved to new post in Public Health at DCC