Back to School Night Mr. Chen Math 1 2018/2019
About Me
Classroom Expectations Be respectful at all times and to all people. Be on time and well prepared for class Enter class with a Positive attitude Attempt all problems with sincere effort No electronic device use during class No Food and Gum
Math 1 Grading Semester Breakdown Test/Quiz 60% Final Exam 25% Quarter Breakdown Test/Quiz 85% Assignments 15% Semester Breakdown Test/Quiz 60% Final Exam 25% Assignments 15% BECAUSE OF THE IMPORTANCE OF FINAL EXAMS The semester grade cannot be more than one letter grade higher than the final exam grade. For example: To maintain a A, the final exam must be at least B.
Tests and Quizzes Quizzes: will happen on a weekly basis and will pull questions from the classwork/homework Tests: happen at the end of each chapter and are worth 100 pts (Each semester a student may make up 2 test per semester but they must Complete all necessary steps prior)
Homework Policy Homework will be assigned each night and it will be turned in at the start of the next class Homework should take students 20-40 min Homework Should be checked on my website each night They must show all work for credit! Late work may be turned in for half credit until the end of a chapter.
Suggested Supplies 1½” Binder with Pockets and three sections: Text Book, Homework, & Spare Graph Paper Pencils College Ruled Composition or Spiral Note Book Whiteboard Marker Highlighter Scientific Calculator /or TI-84 Plus 3 Ring Supply Pouch
What Can You Do? Check PowerSchool, stay up to date Ask child about what they are learning Help them check their answers online (even if you don’t remember how to do it yourself) Contact me with any concerns or need-to-knows Encourage student to visit me in PAWS/after school
Help? Intervention - Mr. Clifton and Mrs. Schumacher Come to me – before or after school Ask questions in class PAWS Email
Class Website