Soil part of the regolith that supports the growth of plants. Regolith: layer of rock and mineral fragments that covers Earth’s land surface. 1
How is Soil Formed? By rock being eroded away. 2
Characteristics of Soil Soil Composition Soil has four major components A. Mineral matter (broken-down rock) B. Humus (decayed remains of organisms) C. Water D. Air 3
Characteristics of Soil Texture refers to the proportions of different particle sizes. A. Sand (large size) B. Silt – feels like flour C. Clay (small size) D. Loam (a mixture of all three sizes) is best suited for plant life. 4
Characteristics of Soil 5
Time, Climate, Organisms and Slope The longer a soil has been forming, the thicker it becomes. Climate Greatest effect on soil formation Organisms Furnish organic matter to soil Slope Steep slopes often have poorly developed soils. 6
Soil Types Location Contents Pedalfer Pedocal Laterite under forest vegetation iron oxides and aluminum-rich clays in the B horizon Pedocal drier grasslands Calcium carbonate Laterite Hot, wet, tropical climates Intense chemical weathering to the top layers of soil 7