How does Germany dispose of its waste Starter: What % of our domestic waste is made up of packaging? Definition of biodegradable The poorest 20% consume only what percentage of the world’s products? How much space does landfill in the UK take up? What gas is given off from landfill? Describe the incinerator closest to you.
HICs and packaging???!!!!
To know how Germany (HIC) deals with its and other countries waste To know what landfill sites are and understand what happens to our waste
Using the video and page 128/129/130 2mins 45 onwards
How does Germany (HIC) dispose of its waste? Exports = Imports = How does Germany (HIC) dispose of its waste? Every time you read about Germany linked with another country, draw arrow to/from Germany’s link countries on map and add any facts and important information as a label to the map Municipal Waste How much is produced? How much of that is recycled? How many people work in this industry? Landfill How have landfill sites in Germany changed over the last 40 years? How much waste can be treated? What happens to the waste before it is buried? Incineration How many incinerators are there and how much waste can it deal with? Recyclable Rubbish Describe what the Grune Punkt system is and how it works. What are the problems with this system? Toxic Waste Describe three events of the past that have not made Germany look good in the eyes of the media. Give facts and add locations to your map Key words – Municipal Waste Grune Punkt Incinerator Landfill Site Nuclear Waste What does Germany do with its nuclear waste? (add to map) Why do they not like this arrangement? What plans for the future do they have?
June 2011
Jan 2011