The Patrician and His Busts Date: End 1st Century BC – Beginning 1st Century AD Height: 1.65m - life size? Material: Marble Style: Verism / Veristic What influenced this style? Hellenistic (Greek) sculpting techniques. Historical Background:Wax masks
Subject Matter - The Patrician and His Busts 1. Patrician Carrying Busts The number of busts carried signifies the length of time the family have been Patricians – only wealthy patricians could have busts made The ancestor in the patrician’s right hand is possibly his father, as the bust is in the style of ca.40-30BC The head of the ancestor in the left side is in the style of 50BC, therefore thought to be the patrician’s Grandfather. A scar in the neck of the main figure shows the head is not original
The Veristic Style What is versism? Verism is shown in all 3 figures: Baldness especially the Patrician and his father Sunken Cheeks of Patrician Sizable Ears esp, Patrician Bulbous nose of Patrician Bags under eyes esp. Patrician’s father Wrinkles-specific examples? Thin lips of grandfather
Drapery Highlight: Irregular Folds in toga eg? Leg visible through toga Natural fall of cloth from body eg? Thickness/texture of material shown by heavy folds In what ways is the drapery natural?
Other stuff Mood? Date palm?