Procedures used to Determine the Number of Vessel Safety Checks or Marine Dealer Visits Performed 11/30/2018
Enter the “Member Activities” Cube 11/30/2018
Open the “All Years” folder and right click on “CY2003” then left click on “Filter.” 11/30/2018
Open the “All Positions” folder and right click on “Lead” then left click on “Filter.” 11/30/2018
Open the “All Units” folder and drill down to the desired Division (or Flotilla) then click on “Filter.” 11/30/2018
Open the “All Facilities” folder and right click on “Unit” then click on “Filter.” 11/30/2018
Open the “All Missions” folder and right click on “VSC” then click on “Filter.” 11/30/2018
Left Click on PB as shown, then left click on the “Swap” axis icon - - and the result is... 11/30/2018
The total Mission Hours performed in 2003 by member in a Lead position on a Unit resource VSC activity. 11/30/2018
To see the number of VSCs performed, open the “Measures” folder and right click on “Vessel Safety Check Count” then click on “Filter.” 11/30/2018
To see the activity by members, right click on the small rectangle under the column heading, then click on “Down a Level” on the pop up 11/30/2018
The display now shows the VSCs performed by members in a Lead position, on a Unit resource activity in 2003. 11/30/2018
Right click on the column heading Right click on the column heading. Ignore the pop up and then left click on the arrows. On the second pop up, left click on “Sort Descending.” 11/30/2018
The members of the division are now listed in descending order of VSCs given. 11/30/2018
When the screen repaints, add it to your Favorites The report is now ready to save. First, Bookmark it. Click on the Bookmark icon, When the screen repaints, add it to your Favorites To save the report click on the “File” icon, Then click on “Export CSV” 11/30/2018
The number of Marine Dealer Visits performed can be displayed by returning to the “All Missions” folder and right clicking on “UMDV” then click on “Filter.” 11/30/2018
Next, return to the “Measures” folder and right click on “Marine Dealer Visit Count” then click on “Filter.” 11/30/2018
The number of MDVs performed by members in a Lead position, on a Unit resource activity in 2003 is now displayed. 11/30/2018
This can be sorted in descending order by right clicking on the column heading. Ignore the pop up and then left click on the arrows. On the second pop up, left click on “Sort Descending.” 11/30/2018
The members of the division are now listed in descending order of MDVs 11/30/2018
When the screen repaints, add it to your Favorites The report is now ready to save. First, Bookmark it. Click on the Bookmark icon, When the screen repaints, add it to your Favorites To save the report click on the “File” icon, Then click on “Export CSV” 11/30/2018
Any number of other activities performed by members in a Lead position, on a Unit resource activity in 2003, can be displayed by changing the selection in the “All Missions” folder and in the “Measures” folder as appropriate. 11/30/2018