Submission of final work is Friday 16 March Work Place Report Submission of draft work: Friday 23 February… this is a week after we next meet (which is Friday 16 and Saturday 17 February) Submission of final work is Friday 16 March All submissions to me:
IMPORTANT REMINDERS Do remember that copies of ALL courseworks MUST be handed into the office! Submission of draft work: 23 February Submission of final work: 16 March Draft submission in Word Final submission in pdf
What is the aim? Transferable skills at level 6 undergraduate! Key skills: communication, strategic and analyitcal. Communication… persuasion, active listening, expressing yourself Strategic…negotiation, judgement and decision-making Analytical… thinking, deductive reasoning and complex problem solving.
Aims and objectives Aims and objectives… the difference? Aims… the flag on the mountain top! Objectives… the steps along the way: Getting to the foothills… e.g. literature review Base camp… e.g. your methodology The march upwards… e.g your research for data- data is what you analyse Etc…
Significance of theory In this assignment you can reflect on and draw from your experience And relate it to the ‘bigger picture’: theories that you will be studying from now on, right through to your Bachelor-thesis (the last component) The theories will be your secondary authorities which you use for support
Writing an academic report A… structure First bits… Abstract… how is this different from the intro? Table of contents List of figures (with pages, but not sources) Abbrevations (if more than one!) Generally the passive voice (rather than the third person), but here first person (I/me) to reflect on your role and personal development!
And then, the body of the report The introduction Company and your job role Methodolgy Analysis and critical discussion Personal reflection Reference list (Harvard system)
Referencing and citations B…referencing Harvard referencing All figures and tables should be labelled, and the origanal source cited…e.g. Figure 1…(details)… this picture was taken by Susan Hawker, author of this report, (date). Figure 2… (details)… where you found this- if from the website the n.p. for no page number.
Substantiating what you say A… primary authority, e.g. Company data, statistics, reports, mission statements… any litigation/investigtions (?), internal strikes, militant/other responses to company practice… etc B… secondary authority, e.g. Established theories, published peer-reviewed articles, newspapers etc, other forms of media
Use of the theories?! And it goes on… HBR’s The Essentials (Harvard Business Review) 2011