Monday warm-Up: Tone & Mood Choose one tone and one mood. Remix the two nursery rhymes to reflect your chosen tone (#1) and mood (#2). Be sure that you adapt/change/add words and phrases that will accurately portray your choices. Create a title for each remix! Be ready to share – you have 15 minutes!
Journal: What does “power” mean to you?
Briefly describe how the following people have “Power.”
Real power… Resides not in those who earn money . . . But in those who convince others to earn money for them Resides not in those who buy things . . . But in those who convince others to buy them Resides not in those who hate . . . But in those who convince others to hate. Resides not in those who love . . . But in those who convince others to love Resides not in those who fight . . . But in those who make others glad to fight Resides not in those who believe . . . But in those who convince others to believe.
And the power of language is . . . ReaL power… The power to act resides with us . . . But the power to move others to act depends on our power over language. And the power of language is . . .
Rhetoric: The art of speaking or writing effectively. Aristotle says rhetoric is "the ability, in each particular case, to see the available means of persuasion.“ He described three main rhetorical strategies: Ethos – Perceived credibility or reputation of the speaker. Level of respect and honor given to the speaker by the audience. Plays on ethics. Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions. Logos – Words. An appeal to logic. A demonstration of proof.
How to use rhetoric to get what you want Look for the term that best describes the type of rhetoric that you think we will most likely be studying and using kW5o&t=46s