CO2 vehicle test Why the test should not be CoP CoP provisions are relevant for type approved data, in this case the component data, not the values produced by Commission’s VECTO software. Member states who base tax-systems or procurement rules on the simulated values need to understand the relevance, this is best gained when competent authorities doing the testing. For checking the robustness of the whole procedure that involves both OEM, assumptions with respect to vehicle completion, and the VECTO tool, an accredited third party is the best auditor.
CO2 vehicle test Regulations/standard for Ex-post verification test - Principles HDV CO2 regulation 2017/xxx, incl. provisions for OEMs responsibility on - Data requests from TAA/MS authorities/ Commission - Input data and licence compliance verifications Non- compliance Data request to OEM EC verification test (?) OEM verification ? Input data verification ? MS market surveillance test 2007/46 Ex-post verification test standard Discre- pancy? Yes TAA 3rd party independent test