Welcome to Primary 2 Cockenzie Primary School Curriculum Evening August 2018 Welcome to Primary 2 Miss Millar P2M Mrs Wylie P2W
Yearly Overview 2018-2019 August-October The Box Ceremony Castles October-December Seasons – Autumn We are Scientists January-March Seasons – Winter/Spring The Garden Centre/The Spring Show April-July - Seasons – Spring/Summer - Discovering East Lothian – Pirates!
Asks questions Solves problems Loves to learn Has self-belief Shows resilience Is kind and helpful Always tries hard Wants to improve Achieves success Curious Positive Successful School Values Characters and stories to help children learn. We want our children to develop a belief that they can succeed even if the work is challenging. Develop a curiosity in their learning, a positive can do attitude and helping them to be successful. “They can’t do it……… YET!”
House Keeping
LOST PROPERTY Please make sure your child’s clothes and belongings are named. This includes coats, bags, packed lunch boxes and water bottles.
Weekly Timetable Monday – PE, Social Studies, Homework and Learning Logs to be returned. Tuesday – Homework and Learning Logs home, Technologies/ICT Wednesday – Reading homework home. Thursday – Assembly, PE, Expressive Arts
P.E. Our PE Days are Mondays and Thursdays. Mrs Wylie will take both P2 classes for PE on a Monday. Miss Millar will take both P2 classes for PE on a Thursday. Please make sure your child comes to school on those days wearing clothes they can take off easily by themselves. Please make sure all of your child’s clothes are named.
Spelling – New sound and grid (Tuesday) Reading – New book (Wednesday) Mathletics (Tuesday) Spelling – New sound and grid (Tuesday) Reading – New book (Wednesday) Homework is designed to be done every night for a few minutes on each curriculum area. Please send the book bag to school every day.
Reading The children will not be set this year for reading. Reading will take place inside their own class. Children will be using RWI books and real books.
RWInc Ensure you practise the speed sounds and green and red words before starting. Encourage fluency and expression (do the voices!). Use the questions to talk about to encourage comprehension.
Spelling New sound of the week and sometimes also common words. Red word consolidation weeks. Spelling grid to practise new sound. Choose 1 activity to do per week. Encourage development of vocabulary. Take the time to correct letter formation and encourage neat handwriting.
Mathletics Online based homework programme. Differentiated tasks set on a Tuesday. Game based. Children have individual log-ins. Please let us know if you do not have access to a phone, tablet or computer at home to access Mathletics.
Learning at Home Talk about learning – use the learning log Count everything – up and down the stairs Lay the table - How many more spoons do we need? Play games with sound and red word cards: matching pairs, silly sentences Read for pleasure with your child
Infant Playground Please help support us by standing back from the children’s lines by the time the bell has gone. Please send a dojo message or pop in a note if you would like to arrange a chat with us. The end of the day is often best. If possible, please stand back at the end of the day as we are still getting to know who is picking up the children and makes it easier for you to see your child also.
Thank you for coming and we look forward to working with your this year.