Welcome to P4 Curriculum Meeting!.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to P4 Curriculum Meeting!

Please turn of all Mobile phones. Thank you. This Powerpoint will be available on the School Website. .

Primary School Foundation Stage P1,2 Key Stage 1 P3,4 Level 2 Pupils are assessed using Levels of Progression in Communication, Using Maths and ICT. (CEA website)

Skilled Based Curriculum Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities have been divided into five strands: Managing Information; Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making; Being Creative; Working with Others; and Self-Management. These skills are integrated into the curriculum, along with the Cross-Curricular Skills of Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT.

Communication (Literacy) Talking and listening Reading: shared and guided, comprehensions Writing: Punctuation and Grammar Genres to be studied include – Poetry, Diary Entries, Posters, Instructional, Letter Writing, Creative, Play Scripts, Comic Strips, Book Reviews and advertisements.

Using Mathematics Number: Place value, 4 operations of number, fractions, money. Measures: Time, length, weight, capacity, area. Shape & Space: 2d & 3d shapes, Symmetry, angles Data Handling: Tally charts, Bar Graphs, Pictograms, Carroll & Venn diagrams – Creating & interpreting. Processes Problem solving

Using ICT Interactive Whiteboard in the classroom. Visit the Computer Suite. Use a range of programmes from various Internet sites to consolidate class work, e.g. Topmarks, ICT games, BBC Bitesize. Children learn to create Word documents using Microsoft Word and inserting pictures. Create a Power Point. Use a drawing program. Programming a Bee Bot to travel in different directions.

World Around Us This year topics covered include; World War 2 Weather Polar Regions Castles

The Arts In Art & Design pupils will experiment, draw, paint and model using a variety of materials. In Music pupils will explore rhythm, pitch and tempo. They will also compose, perform and respond to a variety of music. Drama includes role play, improvisation, poetry and performance.

Personal Development for Mutual Understanding (PDMU) Classroom rules Worries about school Friendships The real Me Who influences me I am .. you are.. we can (Learn about and value all those in our community)

Children bring in a change of clothes for PE Games, Swimming, Gymnastics, Athletics and Dance PE days – P4A – Monday 1.10pm P4B –Monday 11.00pm Children bring in a change of clothes for PE Swimming in Term 3

“Grow in Love” Programme Aims to help children see how they can grow in love: by showing love for themselves, for each other, for God and for all creation. Themes include songs, stories and prayers. (Internet) Pupil book will be sent home once weekly. “Do this in Memory” programme is in preparation for First Holy Communion and will be held in the Church once a month. Parents and children are expected to attend.

Spellings Please sign spelling tests. Word lists are taken from a Linguistic Phonics programme, which is a progressive scheme. Weekly spelling lists also Include High frequency words Please Refer to strategies listed at the front of the Spelling homework book. Spellings tests : short term memory weekly. Long term memory every 4-6 weeks. Please sign spelling tests.

Homework Monday to Thursday -Reading, Spellings, Mental maths, e.g. times tables/division facts Numeracy/Literacy/Grow in Love School Policy states that P4 should spend 30-35 minutes on homework each evening. Reading- please only read the pages set in their reading record as reading on will impact on class activities. Always check and sign homework please.

Assessments Presently assessing all children using the new GL on line assessments in Literacy, Reading, Maths and their cognitive ability. Identify trends, strengths and weaknesses Used as a Target Setting tool for staff Informs planning Levelling in Using Mathematics, Communication and Using ICT

General Housekeeping Please ensure every item of clothing, personal equipment is labelled Label lunch boxes, PE bags, coats Saves a great deal of time.

Healthy Eating Pupils are encouraged to eat Healthy Break and Lunch (e.g. Fruit, yoghurt, cereal bars) Pupils can have water bottles in the classroom (avoid open neck bottles) PEANUT AND FISH ALLERGIES IN SCHOOL

Dinners Dinners are £2.60 per day or £13 per week Please pay on a Monday, if possible Put the money into an envelope/purse with their name on it.

Medication Please keep us informed if your child has a medical condition. (or if they no longer do) If your child requires medication in school, e.g. inhalers, please send it into School with a letter of permission.

Illness Please notify the school by note, phone or email, if your child is ill. Keep us up to date if it’s long term

Mobile Phones Are permitted when necessary when accompanied by a note from parents Must be turned off and submitted to the teacher at 9am Not to be used on premises.

Uniform If your child isn’t wearing the appropriate uniform let us know why No rings, bracelets, chains or hoops for health & safety reasons PE Kit: white polo shirt, school blue jogging bottoms or plain navy.

Discipline Pupils are expected to follow class and school rules (These are displayed in the classrooms) Unacceptable / disruptive behaviour will be recorded in the Class Behaviour Book More formal procedure for continual disruptive behaviour Parental co-operation is essential Rewards for Good Behaviour

Lining up in the Morning Pupils in the playground for 9am First Bell – Pupils should line up with their class Second Bell – silently prepare for entering into school

STAFF Mr Donaldson – Principal Discipline and Pastoral Care Co-ordinator Principal Child Protection Officer Mrs Tully Deputy Child Protection Officer Mrs McAllister is Head of Key Stage 1 Mr Donnelly is Head of Key Stage 2 Miss McCullough is Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.

Other business Newsletters emailed monthly Ensure the office has emergency contact numbers (particularly mobile numbers for texting purposes) – updated. School policies available to parents on request/School Website Any issues, first contact is class teacher (ring office or send a note/speak to teacher to make an appointment) Parent/Teacher meetings 1. Motion to Monitor/IEP October/November 2017 2.Progress meetings February 2018

Thank you for listening.