Can HD Measurements Inform the Post 2015 Agenda? Inequality Beyond Income Anuradha Seth, Team Leader, Inclusive Green Growth, Poverty Practice, UNDP 10 March 2014
Objectives 1 Proposals for including inequality in the Post-2015 Development Framework 2 Implications for monitoring progress on inequality reduction
Addressing Inequality in the Post 2015 Agenda - proposals Inequality as a stand alone Goal. Income inequality Gender inequality Social exclusion Inequality reflected in targets across different Goals. Universal or ‘zero’ targets Interim progress targets Focus on inter-group inequalities No agreed upon measures to track inequality of opportunities.
Implications for Monitoring Progress Mainstreaming inequality targets across different Goals is a complex exercise Arriving at consensus on “right” targets and indicators is a political exercise Significant efforts will be needed to improve the availability of data to monitor progress of disadvantaged groups and HIs. Significant efforts will be needed to develop measures to track progress in inequality of opportunities – going beyond composite indices.
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