All About Me A Book of Feelings How to Publish a Book All About Me A Book of Feelings
Beginning Your Book Each student will open Microsoft Word. Wait for the technician monitor or ask your shoulder partners if you need help.
Create Title Page Your title page will include this as your book’s title: Be sure to save your work often!
Dedication Page Each student will dedicate their book to someone special to them.
Table of Contents Each student will include a table of contents in their book.
Begin Writing Your Book Start writing the final draft pages onto your word document. Save the work you have completed.
About the Author You will create an author’s page using the final draft you wrote in class. Make sure to save your work.
Final Touches Check your spelling and grammar. Read over your work to make sure everything makes sense. You may change the look of your book by using different fonts. Save your work. When you are ready, raise your hand and I will check your work.
Last Step Print your work!