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READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS 2016 READING AND LANGUAGE ARTS This month, we are working on increasing our reading and language arts skills in the areas of: Word Recognition: Each student’s high frequency word list is individualized and will be added to the Word Wall Comprehension: Each student participates in leveled reading comprehension instruction and activities. Assignments are individualized based on each student’s needs and performance level Spelling and Vocabulary: Each student participates in tracing, writing, identifying, or selecting individually assigned spelling and vocabulary words Writing: Students are working on constructing sentences through a variety of strategies: unscrambling sentences, word matching and word choice CALENDAR 3rd: Students Return to School Ways to Reinforce Skills at Home: Please find your student’s vocabulary and spelling lists for practice at home. MATH This month, we are working on increasing our reading and language arts skills in the areas of: Number Sense: Counting, addition, and subtraction Measurement and Data: Gathering and sorting data and answer questions about information from a graph Geometry and Spatial Sense: Shape Sorting Telling Time: Identifying devices for telling time, identifying numbers in time formats, and selecting appropriate time of day when given a picture. Money: Identifying monetary units through matching, number/values, selecting when given a choice, and selecting the correct number/value Our concentration topic for the month of August is “Teamwork”. This unit is aligned to the grade level performance standards in the area of Social Studies. We are exploring team sports and team interactions by examining the Olympics and Special Olympics.