Topic 1: Places and things established prior to 1850 Time Line Activity Topic 1: Places and things established prior to 1850
1682—”Checagou” used as Chicago’s name
1779—Du Sable’s cabin
1787—Northwest Ordinance
1803—Fort Dearborn
1818—Illinois becomes a state
1826—Sauganash Hotel
1827—first slaughterhouse
1830—plat of Chicago
1831—Cook County, post office, two taverns
1833—Chicago is a town; Chicago Democrat newspaper
1834—stage coach line to St. Louis
1835—fire engine, volunteer fire department, graveyard
1837—March 4—Chicago is a city, first mayor
1838—Rialto Theater
1840—first hanging; free schools
1846—St. Patrick’s Day first celebrated
1847—Chicago Tribune, reaper factory
1848—lots of things! Railroad Board of Trade Telegraph Plank road I&M Canal First city hall
1850—Pinkerton Detective Agency, gas lighting
Now write a short summary! What patterns or interesting things do you see in the topic? Why do you think these patterns are there?