WE MADE IT!!! HAVE A GREAT SPRING BREAK!!!! Great Depression DBQ ESSAY due THURSDAY, APRIL 20th (after break!) – posted on my website! MAKE SURE YOU READ THE DIRECTIONS ON THE ATTACHED DBQ PDF FILE WE MADE IT!!! HAVE A GREAT SPRING BREAK!!!! DO NOW: Which New Deal “alphabet soup” program do you think was the most beneficial to society during the Great Depression? Why? If you were an American suffering during the Great Depression, would you have supported FDR’s New Deal?
Aim: How did FDR’s New Deal programs impact America, and why were they criticized?
NEW DEAL: ALPHABET AGENCIES Part of FDR’s New Deal……Agencies created by the US Govt. to bring about the 3 R’s……Relief, Recovery, and Reform.
Overall, how did critics view FDR’s actions and his New Deal?
Opposition to New Deal
Criticism of the New Deal Some said the programs were too much – over-exerted presidential power Violated laissez-faire Others said the programs were not enough – still too much suffering! Huey Long and Father Charles Coughlin and Dr. Francis Townsend Too much for business and LITTLE for the unemployed!) BUT it’s a DEMOCRACY! Everyone can have an opinion!
Huey Long challenges FDR DON’T COPY Huey Long challenges FDR Louisiana Senator Huey Long’s plan: Take from the rich — a 100% tax on all personal income over $1 million! Give to the poor — give every American $2,500 per year
Huey Long “The Kingfish” DON’T COPY Huey Long How many men ever went to a barbecue & would let one man take off the table what's intended for 9/10th of the people to eat? The only way you'll ever be able to feed the balance of the people is to make that man come back & bring back some of that grub that he ain't got no business with! …then we've got to call Mr. Morgan & Mr. Mellon & Mr. Rockefeller back and say: “Come back here, put that stuff back on this table here that you took away from here that you don't need. Leave something else for the American people to consume.” Now, how are you going to feed the balance of the people? What's Morgan & Baruch & Rockefeller & Mellon going to do with all that grub? They can't eat it, they can't wear the clothes, they can't live in the houses. But when they've got everything on God's loving earth that they can eat & they can wear & they can live in, & all that their children can live in & wear & eat, & all of their children's children can use,… Huey Long threatened to run as a 3rd Party candidate but was assassinated in 1935 Kingfish “The Kingfish”
Great Depression DBQ ESSAY due TOMORROW, APRIL 20th – posted on my website! MAKE SURE YOU READ THE DIRECTIONS ON THE ATTACHED DBQ PDF FILE DO NOW: Why did some Americans (like Huey Long) criticize FDR’s New Deal programs?
Aim: How did FDR’s New Deal programs impact America, and why were they criticized?
End of the New Deal New Deal reached its high point when FDR was re-elected in 1936 FDR’s experienced more setbacks in his 2nd term than his 1st term but he still remained a popular leader
Based on this cartoon, why is FDR upset with the Supreme Court?
Based on this excerpt, what is FDR’s proposal regarding the Supreme Court?
FDR and the Supreme Court The Supreme Court ruled some of the New Deal programs unconstitutional – Why? Argued programs like the AAA were more state concerns – NOT federal concerns. FDR proposed a “court-packing” plan to get 6 more justices on the court (appoint 1 new justice for every justice over 70) – Why? To get more justices that favored his New Deal programs What other president tried this SAME THING?? Critics argued this violated WHAT? Checks and Balances!! All 9 justices were old, white men; Only 3 were sympathetic to the New Deal; 2 were unpredictable; 4 wanted to block New Deal John Adams’ Midnight judges
The court-packing bill was not passed by Congress…WHY?
Overall did FDR’s New Deal Programs have a positive or negative impact on America? Based on your homework from last night (reading from the supporters and critics of the New Deal), which opinion to you agree with MOST? Take a moment, write down your thoughts. After 2 minutes, you’ll share with your elbow buddy and see if you agree. If not, try and argue for your position.
Successes of New Deal Stimulates the economy LEGACY OF NEW DEAL Put people back to work Restores HOPE and PRIDE Government’s role changes and became directly involved in helping people Social Security, CCC (parks system), WPA projects, and educational programs STILL EXIST!
Unemployment, 1929-1942
Negatives of New Deal Increased EXECUTIVE power in government - threatened principles of democracy Deficit spending Government was spending more than it took in creating an increase in national debt. Did not end Great Depression Economy not in full swing until producing war goods in WWII The U.S. federal budget deficit for fiscal year 2018 is $352 billion. FY 2018 covers October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018. The deficit occurs because the U.S. government spending of $4.268 trillion is higher than its revenue of $3.916 trillion.
FDR’s New Deal in a nutshell
Coming Soon to a Classroom Near You… World War II, 1939-1945
Answer today’s Aim Question in your notebook. Final Summary Answer today’s Aim Question in your notebook. Cite information from the notes today and info about the New Deal programs.