Online interactive Risk Assessment Summary 2017
OiRA in brief The 7th OiRA community meeting was held in Brussels on 16- 17 May 2017; SOS Seminar on the OiRA conference on 17 May 2017 available; Social partners COTANCE and industriAll-European Trade Union launched new project to update OiRA tool for the tanning sector. OiRA memorandum of understandings signed by social partners in the hospitality and education sectors.
OiRA in brief New OiRA website launched in January 2017: Private zone + 25 languages; OiRA promotional materials published in 2017: OiRA video to carry out your own risk assessment OiRA infographic to follow the 4 essential steps of the risk assessment Napo in…risk assessment online video released EU 'OiRA in facts and figures’ infographic OiRA flyer
OiRA in the Media 2017 128,634 visits to the OiRA website Online media clippings: 67 Social media clippings: Twitter: 854 Facebook (and shares): 101 LinkedIn: 6 YouTube: 2
OiRA in the Media 2017 Press Relations: Press Release (FR and NL) disseminated across the Belgian and specialised media in cooperation with the BE OiRA national partner on the new OiRA cleaning tool, 03 May 2017: cleaning-industry Press Release (PT) on occasion of the Europe Day disseminated across the Portuguese media to promote OiRA as a professional risk assessment tool within SMEs, as well as to highlight the 7 tools available in Portuguese language in cooperation with the PT OiRA national partner, 09 May 2017:
OiRA Promotion Awareness Raising and Promotion Package (ARPP) for EU-OSHA Focal Points & others : Events and Seminars: OiRA seminar on the topic of carcinogens and Mutagens in Malta on 14 November 2017; OiRA seminar on OiRA tools and work prevention in Nicosia (CY) on 14 November 2017 OiRA seminar in Patras (EL) on 02 November 2017; OiRA seminar in Vilnius (LT) on 04 October 2017; Seminar in Athens (EL) about the OiRA tools developed in the country on 30 October 2017; OiRA seminars in Alytus and Panevézys (LT) on 21 & 27 September 2017; Practical training on OiRA tool for employers in Dravograd (SL) on 12 September 2017;
OiRA Promotion Awareness Raising and Promotion Package (ARPP) for EU-OSHA Focal Points & others : Events and Seminars: OiRA seminar for educational establishments and vocational training in Jelgava (LV) on 30 May 2017; OiRA tool seminar for the cleaning industry in Brussels (BE) on 03 May 2017; Presentation of the Online interactive Risk Assessment Tool (OiRA) for school establishments in Limassol (CY) on 04 April 2017; Online seminar from INRS to assess psychosocial risks in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) on 23 March 2017; OiRA regional meeting in Zagreb (HR) on 22 March 2017; Online Interactive Risk Assessment tool seminar in Riga (LV) on 14 March 2017; OiRA tools workshop in Riga (LV) on 07 March 2017 in cooperation with Enterprise Europe Network Latvia;
20 OiRA tools have been published in 2017 Sector Country Bakeries (French & Dutch) BE Cleaning (French & Dutch) Landscape service activities BG Courier services Small tourist lodgings CY Restaurants and coffee shops Car repair and painting garages
OiRA tools published in 2017 Sector Country Small comercial shops CY Hairdressing ES (Spanish) Private security ES (Catalán) IS Manufacture of furniture LT Manufacture of plastic products
OiRA tools published in 2017 Sector Country Sewing services LT Construction (work indoors) LV Cleaning Mining of coal and metal ores and quarrying of non-metallic raw materials
OiRA Statistics The OiRA community is composed of 16 OiRA national partners and partners from 11 different sectors at EU level; 137 OiRA tools have been published in 65 different sectors so far; 89,904 guest accounts have been created since March 2016; 46,059 accounts have been created since August 2011; 67.171 accumulated risk assessments (risk assessments that have been finalised until generating a report) have been carried out with OiRA since August 2011.
Thank you! OiRA Team – EU-OSHA To learn more about risk assessment tools visit our OiRA website at Explore and use all the OiRA tools available at Please spread the news and share our tools using the hashtag #OiRAtools Thank you! OiRA Team – EU-OSHA