Dynamic documents
Dokument generation Customer facing docs and eForms Offers, orders, workorders, invoices… Loandocuments, agreements… Picklists Freight documents Labels, barcodes Any application can use the service (many)
Architecture DocOrigin Design DocOrigin Merge Application Config File (.prt) Form File (.xatw) Application ERP, CRM jne. Data File (.xml) DocOrigin Merge PCL5, PostScript
Document generation XML ERP, other systems HR End customer … eTime capture End customer Sidosryhmät Resources Sales Production Buying Warehouse Invoice, … XML SMS messaging Administration, management Accounts receivable Bookkeeping Assets Bank- and moneytransfer Budgeting eReports, Graphics … ERP, other systems Tarratulosteet
Data formats XML DAT (JetForm/Adobe Central format) CSV SAP RDI (Raw Data Interface) Ascii -> JavaScript conversion Filter Editor – tool for dataconversions
Printer control Document based Page based
Folder Monitor Data into processing Scans specified folders Picks transaction files Calls .wjs (JavaScript) files As many FolderMonitors as needed - Group of companies - other units in the group - …
Data capture DocOrigin pre-populates an HTML form User fills additional information Data is sent to server ERP system upgrades data into database
Preview DocOrigin Notify Preview Other possible usages Pops up, when document in certain folder Other possible usages Processes
PDF Merge Adding pages / removing pages in PDF Bookmarks Thousands of documents into one file
Multi lanquage documents
Intelligent layout … <advertisement> http://tagnile.fi/adv1.jpg
Barcodes 2D barcodes QR code PDF417 DataMatrix Pharmacode Medical índustry standard Medicin package control
Video and sound - marketing Business Communication Center Template defines places for messages Marketing defines rules Ex. Time, total sum, product description etc. … <video> http://tagnile.fi/video_1.mp4 </video>
BCC Business Communication Center Browser based tool for marketing people
BCC Business Communication Center Place images Define rules – test preview
DBD Dynamic Business Documents Database assisted document generation
DBD Dynamic Business Documents Select document
DBD Dynamic Business Documents Fill the variables
DBD Dynamic Business Documents Preview the document
Modifying legacy reports Konversio Ascii tuloste DO lomake ”Maalaa” kentät Tallenna DocOrigin lomakkeeksi Uusi lomake jatkojalostettavana
Multi application environment Workstations Attached printers Firewall/load balancer Network printers Sovelluspalvelimet DocOrigin server
Integrations XML -> Hot Folder ASCII -> Hot Folder URL call Web Service Printer queue
Profile files – additional data Customer- / site based data, not available in ERP Additional text on invoices Paths for archiving Logos E-mail messages in different languages etc. Easy and clean solution Easy to maintain (textfile)
Profiilitiedostot Profiilidatan käyttö: Scripti kentässä: reason_txt = _profile.get('REASON', SOD_DESC._value); Kenttä SOD_DESC voi saada arvot ‘WARTOSC’, ‘ILOSC’ .. <SOD_DESC> WARTOSC</SOD_DESC> Laskulle tulee jompi kumpi REASON teksti. Profiilidata ladataan prosessointiscriptissä: … args.profile = $F/Lasku.ini
OMR marks for volume output Dependding on the devices used.
PDF/A-3 Part 3 of the standard, published on October 15, 2012,[4] differs from PDF/A-2 in only one regard – it allows embedding of arbitrary file formats (such as XML, CSV, CAD, word-processing documents, spreadsheet documents, and others) into PDF/A conforming documents.[15] Support for PDF/A-3, January -18
Laitteistovaatimukset We presume you are part of an enterprise which produces millions of documents on a production basis. Still, DocOrigin’s recommended minimum requirements are quite modest. In the context of an Intel, 64-bit processing system: Memory: 4GB (Ok); 8GB recommended CPU: i5 or i7 class Processors: quad core (for running multiple instances of FolderMonitor) Disk: 7.2K rpm, (heavy duty usage – 10K, 15K rpm or SSD), keep 20GB free Linux-like systems generally require somewhat less than Windows systems.
Asiakkaita Packaging Workwear / tools / marketing Pringing house Car inspection Bathroom/Kitchen fittings Lubrication solutions Air conditioning devices Construction Asset management
US customers 60 mil docs / month Insurance software