Thursday, March 19 Chicken Industry Chicken Terminology History Notes Video Clips Chicken Terminology Word Map Vocabulary List History Chicken Article
Chicken/Egg Industry
Poultry Enterprises Three General Types of Chicken Enterprises 1. Egg Production Laying hens produce eggs Confined cages or free-range After production cycle, hens sold for meat
2. Broiler Production 3. Replacement Pullets Raising chickens for meat High quality rations fed to secure rapid, efficient gains 3. Replacement Pullets Raising chicks for egg production or broiler production
Production/Consumption Trends # of farms with laying hens decreased # of chickens raised per farm increased Eggs-- Slight decline in popularity Cholesterol concerns Chicken Meat– Major increase in popularity Perceived to have less cholesterol than beef/pork
Laying Hens & Egg Production Leading States Laying Hens & Egg Production
Videos Chick Production Broiler Production
Advantages to raising poultry High feed efficiency Fast return on investment Low land requirements Mechanized operation
Disadvantages to raising poultry Disease and parasites Initial capital investment is high Limitations of zoning Death losses from predators Waste disposal and odor
Poultry Terms
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CHICKENS Male- Not castrated, Can be a father Rooster Male- Castrated, Cannot father Capon
CHICKENS Female- Has had offspring Hen Female- Has not had offspring Pullet Young Male or Female Offspring Chick
CHICKENS Parturition Hatching/Laying Gestation 21 days