Non-Residential Settings Introduction for upcoming presentations: Attenuation at Non-Residential Sites Berry-Spark Lawless Sharma Goldberg-Day In the context of USEPA’s (OSWER) Nov. 2002 Draft VI Guidance Henry Schuver, US EPA, OSWER-OSW 20th Annual Int. Conf. on Soils, Sediments and Water
Non-Residential Buildings Not in VI Guidance screening values Not in Q4 Generic screening values Not in Q5 (Fig. 3) screening values Can be Q6 site-specific model [w/ sampling] (of USEPA’s (OSWER) Nov. 2002 Draft VI Guidance)
Scope of the Guidance (Sec. 1D) Intent: “incremental increases in exposures” “primarily designed for … residential” “may be adjusted” so that “human exposures in non-residential settings may also be considered”
Scope of the Guidance (Cont.) Recommended adjustments: Air Volume (of buildings) Air Exchange Rates (fresh air) Exposure Durations (yrs, d/y) (h/d [IR, tox., controls?]) Can use CERCLA spreadsheets to modify these:
GW-ADV Version 3.1 02/04 EPA, IED reports 2.0
Closing Points for Non-Res. Would appear to be advantageous to have: Screening values for generic Non-Residential Bldg. For buildings yet to be constructed (Future (Non-Res.) Uses) Possible addition to VI Guidance? Not here to discuss ‘stds’ for use with IAQ est. Now let’s hear about the most recent observations: