Fusion event amplitudes fall within the range of SVs common to IHCs Fusion event amplitudes fall within the range of SVs common to IHCs. (A) Fusion events from a wild-type (wt) cell are aligned to their rising phase (average: thick red line). Fusion event amplitudes fall within the range of SVs common to IHCs. (A) Fusion events from a wild-type (wt) cell are aligned to their rising phase (average: thick red line). (B) Fusion event amplitude distribution for the patch in A. (C) Full range of wild-type event amplitudes. (D) Zoomed view of C. (E) Transformation of wild-type event amplitudes into full range of equivalent vesicle diameters (solid line is the Gaussian fit to equivalent diameter data; dashed line is SV diameter from EM; ref. 33). (F) Plots the full range of calculated vesicle volumes. (G) Full range of fusion event amplitudes recorded from Cav1.3 ko IHCs. (H) Zoomed view of G. Chad Paul Grabner, and Tobias Moser PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.1811814115 ©2018 by National Academy of Sciences