Troposphere Temperature decreases as you increase in altitude. Weather occurs in this layer. “Tropo” means turning or changing This is where all weather occurs. Up to 10 miles above the Earth’s surface
Stratosphere The ozone layer protects us from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. No clouds, but there are wind currents. Planes often fly here to avoid “bad” weather. There are some bacteria found in the stratosphere. “Strato” means layer or spread out. Contains the Ozone layer. From 10 – 31 miles above the Earth. Temperature increase as altitude increases due to the ozone absorbing the sun’s heat.
Mesosphere Temperature goes down as altitude goes up. The coldest place on Earth is at the top of the mesosphere. “Meso” means middle and is the middle layer of the atmosphere. From 31 – 50 miles above the Earth Protects the earth from meteoroids. Burning meteors are called shooting stars.
Also called the ionsphere. Thermosphere “Thermo” means heat. Also called the ionsphere. Temperatures range from 1,800 – 3,272 degrees. This layer is 50 – 400 miles above the Earth. Heat increases as altitude increases. Radio waves travel in this layer.
The International Space Station orbits here. Thermosphere (CONT.) It called ionosphere because the UV rays cause ionization. Known for causing aurora borealis, “northern lights”. The International Space Station orbits here.
Exosphere Outermost layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. Extends from 400 miles and extends into space. Some satellites orbit Earth in this layer. This is the critical level of escape to outer space.
Atmosphere It supplies us with oxygen. It protects us from UV rays. It protects us from meteors. It protects us from UV rays. It helps maintain a temperature range to support life. If our atmosphere was made of pure oxygen fires would burn out of control.