Developing your knowledge of drama and theatre as: GCSE DRAMA Developing your knowledge of drama and theatre as: A performer, designer and audience member
There are 3 components to GCSE drama DEVISING DRAMA 40% assessed by teacher Creating and performing an original drama Two TEXTS IN PRACTISE 20% assessed by visiting examiner You will work in a group to bring a text from page to stage Three UNDERSTANDING DRAMA 40% - written exam You will practically explore the set text and answer based on this. You will evaluate theatre as a member of the audience
Why take GCSE drama? You are interested in drama in 6th form or at University, or a career in the arts. You enjoy group work and practical work and want an option that is a bit different. Drama helps you develop valuable skills for the workplace- any career that involves people and communicating with people – shop worker, social worker, lawyer, teacher, doctor
“I don’t want to be an actor so why should I take GCSE Drama?” THE 8 most important qualities of ‘s top employees. Being a good coach Communicating and listening well Possessing insight into other people ( including those who have different opinions and values to you) Having empathy with and supporting your colleagues Being a critical thinker Problem solving skills Being able to make connections across complex ideas Expertise in STEM Skills that you develop in GCSE and employers and universities will recognise