Advances in the Screening and Treatment of WTC Responders and Survivors
Learning Objectives
Types of Environmental Exposures
Example: Man-made Disaster Goals of WTC Surveillance Programs
WTC Health Program Participation by State Every State Has Enrolled WTC Health Program Responders and/or Survivors
WTC Health Program Participation by State Every State Has Enrolled WTC Health Program Responders and/or Survivors (cont)
Medical and Psychological Screening Components
Exposure Assessment Unmet Public Health Need for WTC
Exposure Assessment Unmet Public Health Need for WTC (cont)
Surveillance and Environmental Exposure Science, Informing Public Policy
Surveillance and Environmental Exposure Science, Informing Public Policy (cont)
Surveillance and Environmental Exposure Science, Informing Public Policy (cont)
What Are the Health Needs Over Time? WTC Example
Common Disorders
WTC Health Registry Risk Factors and Self-Report Event Exposures
WTC Health Registry Risk Factors and Self-Report Event Exposures (cont)
New-Onset Respiratory Symptoms Increased in Previously Normal Exposed Residents
9-Year Cumulative Incidence of Illnesses in WTC Rescue and Recovery Workers (N = 27,449)
GERD in WTC Exposed Population
CDC/Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases Registry Exposure and Health Registries