Berlin Film
Problems with Yalta & Potsdam
Yalta, Oh Yalta At first there was lots of enthusiasm for Yalta. Cheering in the US Senate… BUT There were problems with this agreement.
Yalta Problems What is democracy anyway? To Americans? To the Soviets?
Yalta Problems Expectations vs. Reality USA thought that cooperation at Yalta meant that Stalin would allow western-style governments to be set up in E. Europe. Nope!
Yalta Problems Hopes for compromise in Poland dashed Poland could not be both democratic/friendly AND communist/friendly Stalin crushed dissent in Polish politics – Free speech?
Yalta in Practice Stalin did not allow non-commie influence in Poland. Talks between Molotov and the West were failures. Non-commies treated ruthlessly. EX: Leaders of the Polish Resistance were invited by Stalin to talks…. They were never seen or heard from… again.
Assignment 3 Individual paragraph response: Why were Roosevelt and Churchill disappointed at the way Stalin put Yalta into practice?
Assignment 4 Groups of 2 or 3: Page 100 - Examine sources F-H. Use the information from these sources to explain differing ideas about Yalta. Creatively (poem, comic, illustration, chart) show how differently Yalta was seen by different leaders.
Newbie in the White House RIP Roosevelt – April 1945. Hello Harry Truman Had only been VP for a few weeks! No foreign policy experience. Hardline personality - Hardline approach to USSR. FDR was optimistic USA and USSR could remain on good terms…not so much with Truman.
Truman’s Hardline April, 1945 Truman meets with Molotov. Angrily insists that the USSR must uphold its agreements. Molotov: “I have never been talked to like that in my life.” Truman: “Carry out your agreement and you won’t get talked to like that.”
Potsdam USA, USSR, and Britain - Potsdam, Germany. July, August 1945. Churchill had been replaced by Labour Party leader Clement Attlee.
Potsdam Conference Newsreel
Potsdam Conference Blue Book p. 102. What was Truman’s attitude at Potsdam and WHY? Assignment 5: Create a chart showing areas of agreement and disagreement at Potsdam.
The Iron Curtain Churchill liked Truman’s tough line. Churchill made a speech in Missouri Called for an American-British alliance against the threat of communism. Assignment 6: Read source M. What phenomena does Churchill describe, and why is it dangerous to British and American interests?