OVERBERG EDUCATION DISTRICT ‘Quality Education in a caring and positive environment’
AGENDA 1. Welcome + Register Motivation Database Results NSC 2016 & analysis 2017 Planning: Terms 1 to 4 Intervention Strategies & P- learners TEA BREAK
AGENDA 6. Moderation 7. Portfolio Management 5. Standard of SBA tasks 6. Moderation 7. Portfolio Management PLC & responsibility of HOD Game changers Teacher Development Activity Reflection & Claims LUNCH
RESULTS NSC 2016 District pass rate 2014: 93.0% 2015: 86.9% 2014: 93.0% 2015: 86.9% 2016: 90.0% District pass rate 80% - number of learners 2014: 67/1167 (5.7%) 2015: 55/1496 (3.7%) 2016: 40/1360 (2.9%)
RESULTS NSC 2016 District pass rate -30% - number of learners 2014: 82/1167 ( 7.0%) 2015: 196/1496 (13.1%) 2016: 136/1360 (10.0%) Focus for 2017: 95 % pass rate (30%) 70% pass rate (40%)
NSC 2016 Exam Papers Discussion of Paper 2 per question Common errors and misconceptions Suggestions for improvement
Planning 2017 Termplans 2017 Term 1 p. 48 /p.50 Term 2 p. 48 /p.50 Consult handout on working schemes
Intervention strategies Progressed learners Improving pass rate Improving quality of pass
School Based Assessment Comply with CAPS Disposal of dated tasks (>2014) Presentation of tasks Cover page Clear instructions Font: Aerial 12 Equation Editor Proof of teaching in workbooks Memoranda + marking indicators Internal moderation
Marking Indicators M Method MA Method with accuracy CA Consistent accuracy A Accuracy C Conversion S Simplification RT/RG/RD Reading from table/graph/diagram SF Correct substitution in a formula O Opinion/Reason/Deduction P Penalty (e.g. no units/incorrect rounding) R Rounding off NPR No penalty for rounding AO Answer only full marks J Justification
Application of indicators Discuss example of marking indicators from September 2016 Paper 2
MODERATION Internal Moderation External Moderation Internal moderator Thorough process Quality assured Recommendations Memo discussion External Moderation Clusters/Face Evidence of all the learners’ SBA must be available Allocation of 0 Assessment Policy
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Teacher’s Documentation File 1: Teacher’s File File 2: Resource File All supporting information Extra exercises Examples of papers/tasks from other sources Circulars File 3: Policy File -All school and subject policies CAPS National Protocol Programme and Promotion Requirements (HOD file an option)
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Teacher’s File Content page Planning Assessement programme SBA tasks and instruments Recording sheets Interventions Moderation reports Minutes of Subject Meetings
LEARNER PORTFOLIO Recording page of SBA tasks Declaration of authenticy Original SBA tasks clearly marked (per term)
PLC & Responsibilities of HOD School Subject Improvement Plan (SIP) Subject Policy Moderation Policy Interventions for Progressed Learners & under achievers covered in SIP and monitored. Quarterly report on PLs Monitor and moderate SBA Main role in PLC
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMITTEE Necessity of PLC For support, peer learning and professional development Sharing of best practices Exchanging of SBA Enthusiastic group leader HOD to be part of the group
GAME CHANGERS 2017 E-learning Social networks (YouTube, Whatsapp…) Internet websites Data projector/Interactive Whiteboard MOD-centres (gr 9) Swartberg, Groenberg, Qhayiya, Sw SS, Barrydale, AMS, Gansbaai, Vill SS Youth Development Academic support for selected groups
TEACHER DEVELOPMENT Come prepared Be on time Be enthusiastic Be creative Move around the classroom Ensure a print rich classroom Contact the SA for support
ACTIVITY Let’s get some classroom action! Dive into an activity …