Metal Still Life & Bulbs Jake 10th grade Capturing the REALISM of reflective surfaces…with a twist in the background!
Drawing larger than life…
Composition is critical…draw off the edges Amani 11th grade Full view…drawing off the edges creates interesting negative space in background Close up view…cropping changes composition
Value contrast: critical as it adds visual interest and impact to drawings. Tamiea 11th grade
Composition: visual arrangement of the elements and principles of design. Focal Point Negative space Balance Movement Variety Repetition Value Contrast Unity Darby 12th grade
Composition: are you planning and controlling the background? Ashley 10th grade
Rule of Thirds: using the Golden mean to move the focal point off center.
How are you controlling your composition…are you aware of the negative space as you fill the format? Do you have variety and balance? Full view Jenny 11th grade Close up
Just ordinary objects that, in the right hands, become works of art! Jonathan 11th grade